Punk cards are Synchro 8 Centurion Primus Turbo which ends on an additional body of Shirakusai to allow for a 2nd quick synchro on the Opps turn into Amazing Dragon with any Level 8 Centurion in the backrow. Amazing Dragon can get up to 3 bounces if you hard draw Ghost Ogre or for some reason E-tele on the Opp's turn for it. 42 cards lowers the chance of drawing a brick while increasing the chance of drawing 2 non-engine (with the last 3 cards being extra non-engine).
Deck Break Down:
- Total 1-card starters: 20 (8 Normal Summons)
- Total Bricks: 6 (counting 2 card Punk starters as bricks)
- Total Non-engine: 15 pre-side
Primus Turbo:
The new Punks cards turn Foxy Tune into a 1-card starter for Centurion. Foxy Tune -> Special Ze Amin -> Add Rising Scale (new level 8) -> Special Shirakusai -> Fusion Rising Carp -> Special Deer Note + 2nd Ze Amin -> Synchro 8 Primus. 2 Ze Amin since running just one turns it into a brick if you are not running 2 other Punk tuners and you hard draw it. Ze Amin while an 8th normal summon at 2 is also a 1 card starter.