Noh-P.U.N.K. Rising Scale

Views: 17,494 Views this Week: 303

Card Text

You can banish 1 other "P.U.N.K." card from your hand or GY; Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Special Summoned: You can pay 600 LP; take 1 "P.U.N.K." monster from your Deck or GY, except a Level 8 monster, and either add it to your hand or Special Summon it. When a monster your opponent controls with 2500 or more ATK activates its effect (Quick Effect): You can change it to face-down Defense Position. You can only use each effect of "Noh-P.U.N.K. Rising Scale" once per turn.

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Decks with Noh-P.U.N.K. Rising Scale
Banlist History for Noh-P.U.N.K. Rising Scale
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