I am not gonna say a lot about this deck 😛 .
We all know the reason we are playing Burn decks, to torture META-slaves.
This deck lacks very big burns (LP losses), so it tries to slowly burn and consistently wore down your enemy. That's why you can find stun (floodgates) cards among the burning cards.
The reason I recommend you trying this deck is very attractive. All 4 SR cards that you have to craft ("Gravedigger's Trap Hole" and "Lava Golem"), can be used in almost every deck you want to built.
"Secret Blast", "Secret Barrel" and "Bad luck Blast" can be replaced (the dmg outcome is not that big at all).
"Lightning Storm" is not that good too (still it's the only good spell/trap card removal on budget). It was better while I was trying the deck with less floodgates and more trap cards, but after the optimization (the addition of stun-floodgates) it felt weaker.
Timelord is always the best card of most cheap decks I build and the biggest reason I could achieve victories.
***ATTENTION-SOS: I've completely forgot about the green Timelord which has the Yubel/Magic Cylinder effect. I don't know the right values and which card to remove, but it is a very strong card with good enough protection. Duel, test and optimize!