Better Rotation by Team Eclipse (245 cube)
Rotation inspired by MBT's own rotation Yugioh Series, but with a lower power level and less of an empathsis on the Yugioh Anime. Our choice of cover card may intially seem strange, but we thought it would help to demonstrate our goals for the format and its direction.
The core set contains multiple decks to represent yugioh's multiple summoning mechanics and phases in its history.
There are multiples of certain cards to support 4 person drafts
Ritual: Nephthys- Wind deck with an emphasis on destruction. It also has level 2 synergy so look for cards like Soul Scissors and Onibimaru Soul Sweeper.
Fusion: Gem-knight - An infamous deck from Yugioh's history minus the frustrating parts (brilliant fusion and FTKs).
Synchro: T.G. - An archetype of various types and attributes, that combines its original control game plan with its modern combo focus.
Xyz: Time Theif - Our love letter to a lost TCG exclusive archetype. Unfortunately, we found that Time Theif Redoer, their most famous card, was too powerful for the format.
Pendulum: Aggro Pendulum - a combination of various archetypes and pieces, all coming together to create beginner-friendly introduction to the pendulum mechanic. As the name suggests the focus of the deck is taking the aggressive approach, breaking the opponent's board with the powerful Aether, the Evil Empowering Dragon.
Link: Banish Cyberse - a midrage deck based around gaining card advantage by manipulating cyberse monsters in the banished zone, through use of cards like Dual Assembwurm and Cynet Rollback
Earth-Machine is the core sets most adaptable and fluid deck it is our aim that it will change significantly with upcoming expansion sets based on the cards it gains access to. Potential examples of this include, adding Karakuri to give the deck a synchro slant or Machina to place more weight on the main deck
Removal notes:
As of 15th January 2024- we elected to remove Fissure, Smashing ground and the associated Manticore of Smashing from the core set. This was because we came to the consensus that unconditional removal with no cost was against the design goals of the format. As this was represented by the aforementioned cards, they have been removed. We did not choose to remove monsters such as Mimicking Man-eater Bug at this time as we currently consider the requirement of your normal summon and the need to be set first a significant hinderance. We are currently working on suitable replacements.
As of January 30th 2024.
Additions: Powered Crawler, Ventdra the Empowered Warrior, Degrade Buster, Time Thief Regulator.
Removed: Dual Assembwurm
Explanation: Dual Assembwurm has been removed as we had misread it previously. For the Cyberse strategy to function they require a monster which can be summoned by banishing cyberse monsters from the GY. Degrade Buster fits this Criteria.
Powered Crawler and Ventdra have been added to increase the speed of games. As the slow speed of some duels in this format can be a problem for spectators.
Time Thief Regulator has been added to improve the power of the time thief strategy.
Trap Cards trail period: High Rate Draw, Defense Draw, Bad Aim, Needle Ceiling
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments of our Rotation deck lists.
Cube List - Multiple Cube
36Effect / Pendulum
17Normal / Pendulum
10- Agave Dragon x2
- Chaos Burst x2
- Giant Rat x2
- Linkslayer x2
- Linkuriboh x2
- Sangan x2
- Small World x2
- UFO Turtle x2
REMOVE Degrade Buster x 1
REMOVE Dual Assembwurm x 1
REMOVE T.G. Warwolf x 1
ADD Time Thief Regulator x 1
ADD Degrade Buster x 1
REMOVE Gem-Knight Lapis x 1
REMOVE Smashing Ground x 1
REMOVE Fissure x 1
REMOVE Manticore of Smashing x 1
REMOVE Sangan x 1
ADD Krawler Dendrite x 1
ADD Linkslayer x 1
ADD Flying Kamakiri #1 x 1
ADD Shining Angel x 1
ADD LANphorhynchus x 1
ADD Magikey Spirit - Vepartu x 1
ADD Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow x 1
ADD Number 25: Force Focus x 1
ADD Hi-Speedroid Puzzle x 1
ADD Lightning Warrior x 2
ADD Giant Rat x 1
ADD Code Talker Inverted x 1
ADD Mystic Tomato x 1
ADD Mother Grizzly x 1
ADD Tri-Edge Master x 1
ADD Dimensional Allotrope Varis x 1
ADD Linkuriboh x 1
ADD Sylvan Princessprite x 1
ADD Polymerization x 1
ADD Alsei, the Sylvan High Protector x 1
ADD T.G. Mighty Striker x 1
ADD Metaphys Horus x 1
ADD Number 61: Volcasaurus x 1
ADD Firewall Dragon x 1
ADD Decode Talker x 1
ADD Unexpected Dai x 1
ADD Agave Dragon x 1
ADD Chaos Burst x 1
ADD Onibimaru Soul Sweeper x 1
ADD Powercode Talker x 1
ADD Sangan x 1
ADD Defender of the Labyrinth x 1
ADD Stardust Dragon x 1
ADD Witch of the Black Forest x 1
ADD Wind-Up Zenmaines x 1
ADD Number 39: Utopia x 1
ADD Small World x 1
ADD Sangan x 1
ADD Greed Jar x 1
ADD Chaos Beast x 1
REMOVE Desert Twister x 1
REMOVE Future Fusion x 1
REMOVE A Legendary Ocean x 1
ADD Ashoka Pillar x 1
REMOVE Hallohallo x 1
ADD Krawler Dendrite x 1
REMOVE Vernusylph of the Thawing Mountains x 1
ADD Vernusylph of the Thawing Mountains x 1
REMOVE Ice Knight x 1
REMOVE Cartorhyn the Hidden Gem of the Seafront x 1
REMOVE Vernusylph and the Flower Buds x 1
ADD Glacial Beast Blizzard Wolf x 1
ADD Vernusylph and the Flower Buds x 1
Top 100 Most Picked Cards
Code Talker8
Agave Dragon7
Gem-Knight Tourmaline7
Powercode Talker6
Defender of the Labyrinth6
Shootingcode Talker6
The Great Double Casted Caster6
Red Gadget6
Gem-Knight Obsidian5
Number 61: Volcasaurus5
Psychic Tracker5
Bad Aim5
Nephthys, the Sacred Preserver5
Magic Cylinder5
T.G. Warwolf4
Unexpected Dai4
Geargiano Mk-II4
Chaos Burst4
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon4
Green Gadget4
T.G. All Clear4
Time Thief Adjuster4
Cyber Dragon4
Mystic Tomato4
Ventdra, the Empowered Warrior4
Giant Rat4
Mind Crush3
Time Thief Regulator3
T.G. Power Gladiator3
Shadow Spell3
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare3
T.G. Drill Fish3
Magician of Faith3
T.G. Rush Rhino3
Alexandrite Dragon3
Mother Grizzly3
Backup Secretary3
Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow3
Dragoons of Draconia3
Master Pendulum, the Dracoslayer3
Summoner's Art3
Mausoleum of the Emperor3
Lightning Warrior3
Quantum Cat3
Gem-Knight Alexandrite3
Gem-Knight Garnet3
Hand of Nephthys3
A Legendary Ocean2
T.G. Striker2
Decode Talker2
Balancer Lord2
Gem-Knight Zirconia2
Soul Scissors2
Flash Knight2
Exploder Dragon2
Dragon Horn Hunter2
Chronicler of Nephthys2
Gem-Knight Sapphire2
Link Restart2
Aether, the Evil Empowering Dragon2
Creature Swap2
Needle Ceiling2
Axe of Despair2
Glacial Beast Blizzard Wolf2
Magical Android2
Foucault's Cannon2
Geargiano Mk-III2
T.G. Booster Raptor2
Chaos Beast2
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch2
Time Thief Winder2
Back to the Front2
Brilliant Rose2
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys2
Infinitrack Anchor Drill2
Number 25: Force Focus2
Black Pendant2
Sky Dragoons of Draconia2
Gem-Knight Emerald2
Recoded Alive2
Mimicking Man-Eater Bug2
Future Fusion2
Pendulum Reborn2
Desert Twister2
Number 39: Utopia2
Powered Crawler2
Shining Angel2
Mystic Potato2
Link Spider2
Gem-Knight Fusion1
Gem-Knight Seraphinite1
Psychic Wheeleder1
Allvain the Essence of Vanity1
Least 100 Picked Cards
Disciple of Nephthys1
Preparation of Rites1
Gem-Knight Prismaura1
Sonic Stun1
Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger1
Time Thief Double Barrel1
Small World1
Needlebug Nest1
Sea Dragoons of Draconia1
Witch of the Black Forest1
The Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil1
Greed Jar1
Time Thief Chronocorder1
Gem-Knight Amber1
Labradorite Dragon1
Loud Cloud the Storm Serpent1
Machina Overdrive1
Ashoka Pillar1
Blue Dragon Summoner1
Dimensional Allotrope Varis1
Time Thief Temporwhal1
Defender of Nephthys1
T.G. Blade Blaster1
Formud Skipper1
Risebell the Summoner1
ROM Cloudia1
Cynet Backdoor1
Time Thief Power Reserve1
Fire Recovery1
Common Charity1
Sylvan Princessprite1
Pendulum Treasure1
Defense Draw1
Pendulum Scale1
Yellow Gadget1
Time Thief Startup1
Psychic Nightmare1
Galaxy Cyclone1
Firewall Dragon1
Allvain the Essence of Vanity1
Psychic Wheeleder1
Gem-Knight Seraphinite1
Gem-Knight Fusion1
Link Spider2
Mystic Potato2
Shining Angel2
Powered Crawler2
Number 39: Utopia2
Desert Twister2
Pendulum Reborn2
Future Fusion2
Mimicking Man-Eater Bug2
Recoded Alive2
Gem-Knight Emerald2
Sky Dragoons of Draconia2
Black Pendant2
Number 25: Force Focus2
Infinitrack Anchor Drill2
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys2
Brilliant Rose2
Back to the Front2
Time Thief Winder2
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch2
Chaos Beast2
T.G. Booster Raptor2
Geargiano Mk-III2
Foucault's Cannon2
Magical Android2
Glacial Beast Blizzard Wolf2
Axe of Despair2
Needle Ceiling2
Creature Swap2
Aether, the Evil Empowering Dragon2
Link Restart2
Gem-Knight Sapphire2
Chronicler of Nephthys2
Dragon Horn Hunter2
Exploder Dragon2
Flash Knight2
Soul Scissors2
Gem-Knight Zirconia2
Balancer Lord2
Decode Talker2
T.G. Striker2
A Legendary Ocean2
Hand of Nephthys3
Gem-Knight Garnet3
Gem-Knight Alexandrite3
Quantum Cat3
Lightning Warrior3
Mausoleum of the Emperor3