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The First Sarcophagus

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Card Text

During each of your opponent's End Phases, place 1 card face-up on your side of the field from your hand or Deck in this order: "The Second Sarcophagus", "The Third Sarcophagus". If 1 Sarcophagus card is removed from your side of the field, all of them on your side of the field are sent to the Graveyard. When you have all 3 Sarcophagus cards on your side of the field, send all Sarcophagus cards on your side of the field to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Spirit of the Pharaoh" from your hand or Deck.

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Decks with The First Sarcophagus
Banlist History for The First Sarcophagus
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