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This is Part 2 of our brief look at all of the Level (and Rank) 11 Monsters in Yugioh. In Part 1, we looked at good cards like 'Nibiru' and the new 'Trishula' Synchro, as well as worse cards like a lackluster 'Subterror'. Please read Part 1 first before continuing our journey into the world of 11 stars.
Gashadokuro the Skeletal Mayakashi

Mayakashi’ is a primarily Synchro based Zombie-Type Archetype. With the highest Level amongst Zombie Monsters, “Gahadokuro the Skeltal Mayakashi” adds another Level 11 to our list. His text is long enough to have the Synchro requirements need a slash after before the effect starts because they couldn’t fit it on different lines.
You may have to end up climbing into it. Still, the swarming capabilities of Zombie decks should assist. It has generic requirements, so that helps when you splash in all those great generic Zombie cards, as well as ‘Shiranui’ cards.
‘Gashadokuro’ doesn’t do anything on the field initially other than prevent you from controlling more than one copy. Its effects appear once it is resurrected from the Graveyard, something a Zombie deck shouldn’t have too much difficulty with. Once it’s brought back, its effect gives it protection from card effects that turn. With 3300 Attack Points, that makes for a big beater to contend with.
It has its own resurrection effect too, but you have to wait for a Link Monster you control to be destroyed. Zombies have few useful Link Monsters you’ll be able to use for this purpose. However, this is a fairly slow effect nonetheless, as it needs the opponent to act.
You probably aren’t using more than one of these guys, but who wouldn’t want a massive mythological skeleton in your deck? It’s pretty metal.
Infernoid Tierra

Story wise, “Infernoid Tierra” is related to “Tierra, Source of Destruction” who we’ll talk about more in the next section. The gist is that “Infernoid Tierra” is upgraded into its true powerful form; their shared stat-line shows that. There’s a whole story about it called the ‘Duel Terminal’ story and this was towards its big conclusion.
Part of the ‘Infernoid’ archetype, this is the first Fusion Monster on our list and the first Level 11 Fusion Monster ever. It looks like it has fairly steep Fusion requirements, but "Infernoid Onuncu", "Infernoid Devyaty" (and 1 or more other "Infernoid" Monsters) are not too hard to get as the deck makes use of all of those in high quantities. This is the boss monster that the deck is aiming for.

You’ll be intending to summon it with the Fusion Spell “Void Imagination” which also lets you use up to six cards in the deck as Fusion material, which means you can fulfil the ‘1 or more’ requirement and send a whole ton of ‘Infernoid’ Monsters to the Graveyard at once. That’s a ton of Graveyard setup, the forte of this deck.
The Big Infernoid Tierra Play
The more materials, the better. As this card’s effect grows in sequence the more you used. Both players will be sending cards from the Extra Deck and Deck to the Graveyard and returning Banished cards the Graveyard. Then if you reach the big ten material pay off, you get to blow out both players hands. That’s a ‘Envoy of the End’ classic reminiscent effect there, which will be very fun. While you may have lost your hand too, you have that Graveyard ready for your follow up play. Plus with 3400 Attack, you’ll be dealing big damage.
‘Infernoid’ is a fan favourite deck and the Level 11 boss monster is a something you definitely need to play it. As this card’s Level does fall outside of certain ‘Infernoid’ effects though, you’ll need to wait for the right moment to play it.
Tierra, Source of Destruction

The Level of 11 shines as you’ll often see related to the card story-lines, such as the ‘Duel Terminal’ ones. There’s a handful of these at these Level and usually represent the big climactic parts of the story. Some of these Monsters are referred to as the ‘Star Gods’. Level 11 therefore gets its symbolic representation in the Yugioh game as the go to Level for these story based gods. This is in contrast to the anime and manga that prefers to use 10 and 12. 11 therefore carves a niche here.
“Tierra, Source of Destruction” was the second Star God introduced (after its counterpart ‘Sophia’, who we’ll get to later). This was the climactic final boss of the ‘Duel Terminal’ story as the protagonists contended with the ‘Qliphort’ and ‘Infernoid’ Monsters.
As for its actual use, this effect is super gimmicky. You need to shuffle ten different cards with different names from your hand and field back into the deck. That’s a tall order, even when playing a ‘highlander’ type of match. At least it can’t be negated when that happens.
If you get this thing out, you get the biggest game reset ever. The ‘Star Gods’ tend to be like big reset buttons in their universe and the effect reflects that. All player’s cards from everywhere get shuffled back into the deck. It’s almost like the duel is beginning again. This can’t be responded to, either. While this may not be a feasibly competitive card, I imagine it would be incredibly hilarious to pull off.

The heroes needed to stop “Tierra, Source of Destruction” as it tried to reset the universe. With just 50 more Attack Points, a new powerful Level 11 emerged. “Zefraath”, the full power of the ‘Zefra’ archetype. “Zefra War” shows their battle begin.
This one is a Pendulum Monster, so it has two effects depending on how it's played. Its Pendulum Effect allows you to send another ‘Zefra’ to your Extra Deck and then change its scale. Changing the scale can be useful to set up a Pendulum Summon. The sent Monster is also an opportunity to set something up.
To summon “Zefraath” as a Monster, you’ll need to Tribute all your Monsters, at least three of which need to be ‘Zefra’. But once you do that, you get a second Pendulum Summon during that turn. Getting a second Pendulum Summon can be huge as it can bring back a bunch of stuff that you had used up. Activate this at the right time and your field should be replenished after summoning it.
You can also Tribute more stuff once per turn, to get a ‘Zefra” Special Summoned from your deck. That means you can float another Monster less useful on the field right now (but potentially useful in the Graveyard) into something else that would be much more helpful. Because of all these useful effects, it is a commonly run card in ‘Zefra’ decks. Another playable Level 11 is a cause for celebration.
Elemental HERO Cosmo Neos

This is a recent Fusion Monster upgrade of “Elemental HERO Neos”, meaning a well-known archetype gets a Level 11. This one can’t be a higher level than the Level 12 “Elemental HERO Divine Neos” as the top one, of course. Like ‘Divine Neos’, this one is also a bit steep in materials. ‘Cosmo Neos’ may be a Contact Fusion, rendering a Fusion Spell unnecessary, but it takes the original ‘Neos’ along with three different ‘Neo-Spacian’ Monsters of different Attributes to Summon. You can’t even use “Neos Fusion” to make it easier, as that requires exactly two material and this guy wants four.
You could use the effect of “Elemental HERO Grandmerge” to bring this out. However, then you won’t be able to make much use of that 3500 Attack due to Grandmerge's restrictions. Also, during the End Phase, ‘Cosmo Neos’ will be like many other ‘Neos’ Fusions and shuffle back into the Deck during the End Phase. Therefore you will need “Neo Space” to keep it around, so it’s already worth a lot of effort and a lot of card advantage lost.
Let’s take a look at what it actually does. During the aforementioned shuffle back into the deck, you get to wipe your opponent’s board of all cards they control. That’s a great equaliser at least, for all the material you had to use for this. Before that shuffling though, the summon of ‘Cosmo Neos’ prevents your opponent activating any cards or effects that turn. They can’t even respond to that. So this Monster does have some very powerful effects.
Hyper Psychic Blaster/Assault Mode

The ‘/Assault Mode’ Monsters are a set of Monsters that are Summoned via “Assault Mode Activate”, in which you use a Synchro Monster for the summoning condition. This one uses the Level 9 “Hyper Psychic Blaster” as its base and since the ‘/Assault Modes’ are two Levels higher. Therefore, this one gets to be a Level 11. When it’s destroyed, you get to bring back the original “Hyper Psychic Blaster”.

While some fairly recent support made some of them playable, this is still a lot of investment to summon one of these. You have to pull off the Synchro Summon (which in this case, requires a specifically Psychic non-Tuner). Then upgrade it once more with the “Assault Mode Activate”. You get 500 more Attack and a slightly upgraded version of the ‘Psychic Blaster’ effect.
When it attacks, you can inflict damage equal to the attacked’ Monsters Defence Points and gain Life Points equal to its Attack. Life Point effects are common amongst Psychic-Type Monsters, but it’s not the most exciting. There are better choices for making an ‘/Assault Mode’ deck.
Avida, Rebuilder of Worlds

The third introduced ‘Star God’ Monster and therefore another story significance Level 11. This one from the ‘World Legacy’ story-line that stretched on during the Link Monster era. During the big climactic part of the story, “Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax” becomes one with the “World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy” and becomes this powerful being. Once more, potentially triggering a big reset like these beings tend to do.
Like the other ‘Star Gods’, it’s got a steep summoning condition. Brought out when there at least eight Link Monsters on the field or in the Graveyards. That means a lot of set up. You also cannot Summon any other Monsters the turn you play this, but this Summon can’t be negated. When it appears, you shuffle all Monsters that are on the field, in the Graveyard or Banished back into the Decks. Another reset button effect, to fit the theme. This also can’t be responded to.
As with other ‘Star God’ Monsters, it’s a gimmicky type of Deck to use to get them out, but the effects are devastating. It’s a fun niche that the Level 11 Monsters have carved out.
Nekroz of Sophia

Here, we have a Level 11 Ritual Monster. It’s another one relating to the Duel Terminal story, where the “Dance Princess of the Nekroz” is using some power from the ‘Star God’ in the entry following this. Both cards have the same stat line, even. There’s a hefty 3600 Attack as well as 3400 Defense, the highest Defense of any Ritual Monster.
This card is part of the ‘Nekroz’ archetype; one of the most notorious Ritual based archetypes to exist. They have a number of Ritual Spell cards available to them to bring this out. However, “Nekroz of Sophia” has an additional condition in that you need to use three Monsters as the Tribute and they have to be different Types.

When its summoned, you get that blow-out effect you’ve come to know from these kinds of story Monsters. All other cards on the field and Graveyard are banished. You won’t be able to Summon anything else when you activate this, but you still have this big Monster to go for the push. While it’s potentially a cloggy card due to its summoning conditions, having one available isn’t the hardest thing to pull off in ‘Nekroz’ and you could pack one in your deck for an impactful turn.
If you don’t have the means to get three Tributes for it, however, you have another effect. This one lets you discard itself from your hand as well as a ‘Nekroz’ Spell. Then your opponent is unable to Special Summon from the Extra Deck during that phase. It’s an okay effect, but you are going minus two for it.
Additionally, this card is a big Level, so that makes it a good Tribute for other ‘Nekroz’ Monsters in your deck too, so simply being that is a decent use.
Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth

Here it is, the original ‘Star God’. Creator of the Duel Terminal world and its all powerful deity. “Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth” is based on ‘Sophia’ from Gnosticism. When this being appeared in the story, it reset the world. Like other cards in this manner, it’s Level 11.
It’s got a very gimmicky summoning condition that’s tough to achieve. Thus, it’s not really a feasible competitive strategy. You need to Banish a face-up Ritual, Fusion, Synchro and Xyz Monster from the field. That’s four different Extra Deck cards that all take some effort to bring out, so it’s certainly quite the cost in advantage. Could be described a bit ‘win more’ if you’ve already got so much out anyway and you do this. At least it predates Links and Pendulums, so you don’t need those. It’s also a Summon that cannot be negated. If you can pull it off, it would be a fun sight to behold.
The banished cards don’t actually need to be your own, though. You can also use cards on your opponent’s field for it which is cool. You can’t always count on it happening and your opponent having anything for you to use, but it’s useful if it comes up. This also lets the card be playable in Duel Links, where there's only three Monster Zones each.
When it’s Summoned, you get that reset. Not only do you Banish all other cards in both player’s Graveyards and field, you also Banish both hands too. Huge chunks of the card options are now unavailable. This can’t be negated either. Then you hopefully can get in for 3600 direct damage. If that’s not enough to win, then you get to enjoy a top-deck war after that. At least there’s no old school “Yata-Garasu” to make things worse.
Gate Guardian

The original Level 11 Monster, “Gate Guardian”. Straight from the classic Yugioh Duel Monsters anime.
To summon it, you have to Tribute “Sanga of the Thunder”, “Kazejin” and “Suijin; all of which are two Tribute Monsters themselves. In the original, it was more like a thing made out of its three parts combining, but in the actual release, it’s its own card. The Level 12 of that classic time was “Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon” who was bigger.

Still, with 3750 Attack Points, “Gate Guardian” was one of the biggest bodies back in the day. Even then, it wasn’t a very feasible card to bring out. The aforementioned ‘Blue-Eyes Ultimate’ would have been a easier move to pull off. You’d be better off with just using the individual parts. The main reason being that “Gate Guardian” actually lacks any effects on it besides the summoning condition itself. Other than being a nostalgic piece of your collection, it’s not a card you would do anything with.
Another thing to note is that “Gate Guardian” lacks a password number printed on the card itself. It still has one on databases so we know what it is, but it’s not present on the actual card. A fairly odd bit of trivia.
CXyz Skypalace Babylon

A Rank 11 Monster, we have one of the ‘CXyz’ (Chaos Xyz). These cards are often Summoned not by the usual method (in this case a steep three Level 11 Xyz Materials required), but by using a ‘Rank-Up-Magic’ Spell card on top of its earlier form. In this case, you are using the Rank 10 “Skypalace Gangaridai” as the Material. The Rank 10 is a decent option (though there are superior Rank 10 choices) that allows you detach a Material to destroy an opponent’s card and then inflict some damage on top, as well as a very respectable 3400 Attack. Although it can’t attack when you activate the destruction effect.

The Ranked Up version goes up to 3800. Its effect lets it inflict damage equal to half the original Attack of a Monster it destroys in battle. That’s a fairly old style of effect. If you have the Rank 10 form as Material (which you will, because you aren’t summoning the CXyz normally ever), you can detach a Material to get a second Attack. So this all makes it an okay beater with some burn on top, but there’s not much more to it. It lacks protection, for instance.
In the end, it’s probably not worth doing the Rank Up. The pop effect is more useful. ‘Babylon’ isn’t terrible but it’s not too impressive either.
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe

The last 11 star entry on this list and another Rank 11 Xyz Monster. We are ending this list on a good note with this one. Once again it’s one that upgrades from a Rank 10, but it’s better than ‘Babylon’ was. You don’t even need to use a ‘Rank-Up-Magic”, but rather just place this on top of a Rank 10 Machine-Type Monster. You could even use the previously mentioned ‘Gangaridai’ if you really wanted.
The Rank 10 Machine options are already pretty good. The very popular Rank 10 ‘Train’ series of cards provide some very large bodies on the field. “Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max” can detach a material to 2000 Damage right away, putting you in good range for an OTK. You could activate that effect and then Rank Up into ‘Juggernaut Liebe’ for the next phase.

This Rank 11 gets real big. You detach a material to gain 2000 Attack Points. Just one means it goes from an already chunky 4000 into a walloping 6000. Then for any Xyz Material it has left over, you can get an additional attack.
So you summoned ‘Gustav’ with two Level 10s, detached one for the 2000 burn, then went into ‘Liebe’ and transferred ‘Gustav’ and its one Material to it as Materials. Then you detach one for the 2000 Attack gain, that means you’ll most likely have the one Material left over for a second attack. That’s two 6000 damage attacks coming your opponent’s way. Needless to say, staring at the barrel of this thing would be very scary without something to deal with it. It made a popular deck even more fun.
With only a couple dozen 11 star Monsters, many of them have existed for specific purposes. A few have been merely stepping stones in between the more well known 10 and 12 star Monsters. Others have been related to the card storylines, such as Duel Terminal. This includes the ‘Star God’ Monsters too, as powerful beings that function as a universal reset at the story’s conclusion. More card storylines could also mean more 11s too.

Many of the ones listed unfortunately weren’t all that good when it comes to viability and usually had steep or gimmicky summoning requirements. If they were Summoned, many had quite the powerful effects. Not all of them though, as some aren’t necessarily worth their requirements. It’s been relatively hit or miss with the few 11s we have access to.
There have been a few more Level 11 and Rank 11 cards added in recent years, including ones that are more playable like ‘Nibiru’ and the new ‘Trishula’. So perhaps things will be looking up for it as more 11 star content is released. It would take a lot to catch up to the other Levels in number though. After all, other than the story stuff, it mostly functions as that limbo between rounder Levels and Ranks.
I hope you’ve found it interesting to see which Level and Rank 11 Monsters exist and a brief look at what they do. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to make some of the more strange ones work as a fun deck.