All Water decks share two traits: they are fun to mess around with, and they have not topped since forever.
So imagine my surprise when I was surfing the net, and came across a fishy list going against the torrent of meta decks, schooling everything in its way to a solid top! Right after, many have decided to pick this archetype up as well, currently establishing a corner of the OCG Metagame.
While it is still bobbing on the surface, I would like to present the "Kragen" archetype. Come sit with me, and cast your hook!
A New Rain of Terror
Despite my barrage of ill-advised fish puns, this article will revolve around the Aqua archetype Kragen. Many of the decks I mention will revolve around Number 4: Stealth Kragen and its partner in crime Kragen Spawn. There are no other Kragen monsters in existence. So of course, it is within my obligation to introduce both to you readers.

Number 4: Stealth Kragen
Rank 4 ATK/ 1900 DEF/ 1500
2 Level 4 WATER monsters
- All face-up monsters on the field become WATER.
- Once per turn, during the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can destroy 1 WATER monster your opponent controls, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the ATK it had on the field.
- If this Xyz Summoned card is destroyed: You can Special Summon "Kragen Spawn(s)" from your Extra Deck, up to the number of materials this card had, then you can attach up to 1 WATER monster from your GY to each of them as material.
As there are no other Kragen monsters in the game as of late, this is the only other catch:

Kragen Spawn
Rank 4 ATK/ 1900 DEF/ 1500
2 Level 4 WATER monsters
- Once per turn, during the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can destroy 1 WATER monster your opponent controls.
- If this card Special Summoned by a "Number" Xyz Monster's effect is destroyed: You can Special Summon other "Kragen" monsters from your GY, up to the number of materials this card had, then you can attach up to 1 WATER monster from your GY to each of them as material.
First comes Number 4: Stealth Kragen. Along with an attribute changing effect, Stealth Kragen will continuously destroy monsters and burn LP until it is dealt with. But that is only the beginning! Almost like a Hydra, Stealth Kragen will summon up to 2 Kragen Spawns from the Extra Deck, both with similar effects to Stealth Kragen. And once any Kragen Spawn gets destroyed, it summons Stealth Kragen back to the field. This never-ending rondo will annoy the opponent to victory.
These two troublemakers are eternal, and here to stay. So what pairs best with these big fish within the small pool of options? Let us take a look.
Swimming with Sharks

As the purpose is to focus on summoning a Stealth Kragen, the whole deck will center towards establishing 2 level 4 WATERs quickly. And the best engine for this would be the many Shark monsters in memory of Reginald Kastle. Ironic, as the user of Stealth Kragen was his enemy.
Once Stealth Kragen has been fished out, there are several possible win conditions.
The player can establish a Gozen Match Lock with Stealth Kragen, as Stealth Kragen converts all field monsters to WATER, preventing both players from summoning anything outside of WATER monsters. Stealth Kragen will also slowly snipe down any existing monsters on the opposing side with its effect. This playstyle will deny the opposition from ever fully completing their ideal board state, and you would finish the opponent before then.
Otherwise, this WATER toolbox is very strong as well. As a RANK 4 archetype, you have access to powerful RANK 4s like Bahamut Shark and Abyss Dweller to lock your opponent down, now including the ever oppressive AA-Zeus! Packed with a variety of handtraps and traps to scale the opponent down, this deck will eventually grind away the opponent's resources.
Some interesting cards to note are the inclusion of Beautunaful Princess and White Mirror. Both are fantastic extenders that would have never seen any play as Fish decks were not particularly impressive, until now.
Is this Bait?
Why would any player decide to pilot a bunch of fishes within the currents of Virtual World, Drytron and others? I suspect that the nature of the OCG Metagame has led to many others exploring any alternative check, but the results have shown for this deck. It appears that the Gozen Match Lock coupled with an immortal monster is enough to debut within the ranks of the strongest.
Quite frankly, due to the linear playstyle this deck possesses, it will fold to one correctly timed interruption. The deck's victory hinges on Stealth Kragen. The deck may utilize some strong generic Trap cards to create disruption, but that is simply all. A proper Meta deck might be able to play through the Stealth Kragen field with several backrows should they draw well enough, inclusive of a way to stop Stealth Kragen and the backrow.
My Trouts and Conclusion
I am pleased to see Animation Chronicles 2021 has introduced a fun archetype. The Kragen playstyle reminds me of the Zombie Horde angle; in which the boss monster Doomking Balerdroch continuously resurrects itself with a disruption effect. Because of the passive nature of the deck and the single reliance on the existence of Stealth Kragen, this deck will only see eventual support, and maybe get stronger. Until then, I believe, this deck might never fall out of favor, due to its eternal resilience and easy-to-summon conditions. As this is probably the first ever list to feature fishes, I personally believe it is worth investing in.