Popular Deck Guides Yu-Gi-Oh! Articles

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deck guides
Darker then Blackwings: A Guide from DABL Blackwings has always had a special place within all of our hearts, and in Konami's too! We will be going over more support from the next set, DABL.
- 1 year ago
14,181 2
Deck Guides
Deck Introduction: The Dramatic Despia Despian is a Fusion-based archetype announced from Dawn of Majesty. Introducing themselves as the antagonist architect behind the dubious Dogmatika, t
- 2 years ago
12,137 1
Deck Guides
Deck Introduction: Messing with Myutants Myutants, aptly named for the deformed wall of texts on every Myutant card text, is a new archetype now available for both TCG and OCG now. Depicted a
- 2 years ago
10,334 4
Deck Guides
Deck Introduction: Performing with P.U.N.K. What is it with KONAMI and their love for level 3s? The last time we had anything Level 3 related, (eyes at Virtual World) nothing pleasant came out o
- 2 years ago
18,289 1
Deck Guides
Deck Introduction: Flundereeze What? Burst of Destiny has debuted in the OCG and the new themes are worming their way into the Metagame! The most anticipated archetype of the set, Flunder
- 2 years ago
11,002 7
Deck Guides
A Fishy Feature: Kragen's Meta Debut All Water decks share two traits: they are fun to mess around with, and they have not topped since forever. So imagine my surprise when I was surfing
- 2 years ago
8,095 7
Deck Guides
Buy the Big Dipper - Ursarctic Deck Introduction This will be the fourth Constellation Archetype the game has introduced so far. Unlike the previous successors of the stars, (Constellar, Tellarknight
- 2 years ago
10,186 2
Deck Guides
Don't @Ignister Me: A Deck Guide The Ignister archetype has currently received support from Eternity Code and Lightning Overdrive. Adopting the full array of attributes available, Ign
- 3 years ago
14,676 6
Deck Guides
The Tri-Brigade Thesis The Dogmatika lore continues with a new archetype, the Tri-Brigade. A convention of tribes Konami has often grouped together, these members preach the
- 3 years ago
13,853 2
Deck Guides
Deck Guide: THE Gren Maju Da Eiza. I am going to start off by declaring that I do not like the nature of this deck. It goes against every aspect, impressions and everything I know and a
- 3 years ago
30,863 5
Deck Guides
Deck Guide: EVILTWINLIVE! Debuting in Deck Build: Genesis Impact, these seemingly mischievous influencers have definitely taken the internet by storm, spawning an excessive amo
- 3 years ago
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Deck Guides
Deck Guide: Connecting your Prank-Kids! Ever since their release in 2018, Prank-Kids has been classified as a rogue-tier deck. Their playstyle connects Fusion and Link Summoning, all while p
- 3 years ago
9,564 0
Deck Guides
Deck Guide: Leveling with Datascape Datascape was first introduced into the OCG as several promotional cards with an unknown focus on the level 3, which was then promptly released as a c
- 3 years ago
7,383 3
Deck Guides
Deck Guide: Doctrines of Dogmatika As the new era of Yugioh ushers in without introducing another summoning method, we are left to continue revising the prior summoning aspects which we
- 3 years ago
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Deck Guides
Deck Guide: Living with Dragonmaids Ever since the release of the anime “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid“, something awakened within several of us. That something is the concept of human fe
- 3 years ago
23,867 1
Deck Guides
Deck Guide: Megalith, Ravenous Rocky Ritual! We are no longer strangers to Ritual Summoning in Yugioh. Over time, the concept underwent constant exploration, discovery, and improvement. As Ritual
- 3 years ago
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Deck Guides
Deck Guide: 3-Axis, The Triple Threat from the OCG! Celebrated heroes of legends clash with religious cultists under the imminent threat of Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon. An assembly of critters lurks within th
- 3 years ago
16,970 2
Deck Guides
You're Playing Them Wrong: The Competitive Tenyi Master Guide Many players probably only recognize the Tenyis because of Vishuda or Adhara. Only a few players know every Tenyi card and fewer can pronounce them al
- 3 years ago
33,704 2
Deck Guides
Cementing your Orcustrated Win: A Guide to the New Orcust Support Konami introduced many new archetypes with the release of Soul Fusion. Of the 4, I decided to write about Orcusts, a DARK Machine archetype revolving
- 5 years ago
12,103 0
Deck Guides
Not Just a Prank, Bro: A Beginner’s Guide to Prank-Kids In a society where colossal dragons, a woman in a mech suit, and solitaire dominate the meta landscape, it is worthwhile to appreciate an archetype on
Yan OCann
- 5 years ago
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