Amazoness aren't played often in competitive circles, but they're a fun tribe in the right meta. Despite their look of outward aggression, most are lacking in the brute strength department. Instead, they rely on combat tricks to win, and can surprise even veteran players with their powerful plays.


Occasionally, players will try to combo Swordswoman with cards like Shooting Star Bow - Ceal or Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce. The hope is to use their damage reduction to hit hard with her ability. Adding Heart of Clear Water to the mix then ensures her survival. These flashy combos have the potential to inflict massive amounts of damage. However, they are situational and easy to disrupt. For these reasons, we stick to the basics.
Our primary strategy should focus on filling the field with warrior women. Cyber Jar fits here, hopefully getting out multiple Amazons at once. You can then kill anything your opponent gets with your array of removal options. Morphing Jar allows for reloads as well and can help you recover from a Delinquent Duo hit.
Once it's time, use Amazoness Paladin and Amazoness Tiger as your beaters. They gain power for every ally you've summoned, meaning you benefit from keeping your initial players alive. Tiger has the highest potential for damage and a forced attack focus ability, which makes him perfect in combination with Amazoness Archers.
Our other monsters serve as powerful staples or silver bullets for Reinforcement of the Army. Breaker the Magical Warrior deals with potential blowouts from powerful traps like Mirror Force. Amazons tend to go for large tactical swings, so they are susceptible to these plays. We could have included Tribe-Infecting Virus in our list, but left him out due to the large amount of removal already present in the deck.

You can combo Spellcaster with Swords Woman and an opponent's weaker monster as well. Scapegoat tokens are a popular choice for this strategy. I have also seen Megamorph added to the mix. After swapping ATK, Megamorph can create an even greater difference in damage by either doubling your opponent's strength, or halving your own, creating a perfect scenario for Swords Woman to deal some mad damage. Overall, Spellcaster works as a pseudo removal spell with the potential to give extra damage on the side.
RotA finds its way in for its toolbox potential. All of our Amazoness (except for Tiger) are warriors, so it can grab most anything we need. More often than not, we will search for one of our three martyrs: D.D. Assailant, D.D. Warrior Lady, or Exiled Force. These monsters answer whatever large threats we can't deal with at the moment. Force is especially relevant for killing Thousand-Eyes Restrict. Because the rest of our removal is through attacks we have a hard time dealing with him otherwise.

Ojama Trio is here to combo with Archers. With the two working together, you might just kill your opponent on the spot. Doing the math, we can see that Ojama tokens forced to attack just a single Amazoness Paladin will send a whopping 6K damage straight to the face. Some players will try to add to the damage with cards like Megamorph or Gaia Power. Mirror Wall or Fairy Box can also make things fun, in some cases negating the need for tokens.
There are other interactions to note with Archers as well. For one, its damage reduction is permanent. This allows your smaller Amazoness to get revenge kills with consistency. Additionally, a savvy player will use Archers to disrupt Flip-Effect strategies, as it negates effects when changing positions.
Call of the Haunted helps with your swarming strategy, and can recur Exiled Force and other key monsters. Sakuretsu Armor serves as additional protection for our smaller monsters, since keeping them alive in the first couple turns can be critical. However, I could easily see the slot being used for Dust Tornado. Torrential Tribute and Mirror Force would be less of an issue if we go that route. Dramatic Rescue is another option, but it's better for lists that use tribute monsters.
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