Disclaimer: this is an ocg deck and could never exist in the tcg due to slash draw being limited to 1.
Use some deck manipulation with slash draw to one-shot your opponent for the otk. This deck has a ton of card draw and can FTK but I won't label it as an "FTK" because that would be misleading.
Here is the combo: Use top share and place slash draw on top of your deck, set Big Eye, Use book of Taiyou to flip Big eye face up, place slash draw on the space that would be active (I can't describe it so read the card and how it works), set every card in your hand that you can (leave 1 spell/trap space open), and finally activate slash draw for a ton of damage.
The combo can also be done in other ways like just going for the big eye and hoping for a slash draw since it's just a great way to set up the cards that you draw next if you whiff.
This deck is built very similarly to an exodia deck but requires less specific cards in hand for the combo.