New banlist, new deck. Such is life. Emergency Teleport is back to 3, which is a major plus for Psychic decks like Kozmo, Virtual World, and...PUNK!
This here is a PUNK deck with 3 copies of E-Tele, inspired by one of the top WWE Divas, The Empress of Tomorrow--Asuka! Back in 2018, when I was getting more into Yu-Gi-Oh!, I also watched WWE a lil' bit, and Asuka was one of my favorite wrestlers. And anyone who's seen her knows that she is THICC As for "Puroresu", that is just the Japanese term for professional wrestling. "Puroresu-PUNK Empress Asuka!"
Even with all the support PUNK got, the archetype is still meant to go first and set up as much disruption as possible, so this is a go-first deck.