The Shining Darkness (TSHD)
TCG • 111 Cards • Released 2010-05-07 • $375.92 • View in Search
TSHD-EN087 - $0.37Core OverclockTSHD-EN048 - $3.90Infernity LauncherTSHD-EN018 - $1.01Bird of RosesTSHD-EN012 - $3.78Infernity MirageTSHD-EN084 - $5.22Nimble SunfishTSHD-EN025 - $0.45WattgiraffeTSHD-EN000 - $2.49XX-Saber Boggart KnightTSHD-EN047 - $0.95ZERO-MAXTSHD-EN070 - $0.27Damage GateTSHD-EN063 - $0.31Power FrameTSHD-EN079 - $0.22Synchro EjectionTSHD-EN096 - $0.41Ally of Justice Light GazerTSHD-EN095 - $0.35Hydro GenexTSHD-EN009 - $0.61Trust Guardian TSHD-EN062 - $0.00Corridor of AgonyTSHD-EN080 - $0.00Chaos Trap HoleTSHD-EN038 - $0.00Hunter of Black FeathersTSHD-EN032 - $0.00Testudo erat Numen TSHD-EN055 - $0.11Electromagnetic ShieldTSHD-EN051 - $0.07Pyramid of WondersTSHD-EN052 - $0.19The Fountain in the SkyTSHD-EN085 - $0.24Akz, the PumerTSHD-EN037 - $0.09Ally of Justice Core DestroyerTSHD-EN035 - $0.55Batteryman Fuel CellTSHD-EN002 - $0.31Blackwing - Gust the BackblastTSHD-EN030 - $0.14Delta TriTSHD-EN092 - $0.22Genex SearcherTSHD-EN082 - $0.20Koa'ki Meiru PrototypeTSHD-EN023 - $0.18MagidogTSHD-EN016 - $0.18Revival RoseTSHD-EN064 - $0.25Blackwing - BacklashTSHD-EN067 - $0.22Guard MinesTSHD-EN071 - $0.48Infernity InfernoTSHD-EN077 - $0.15Koa'ki Meiru ShieldTSHD-EN022 - $0.24Cherry InmatoTSHD-EN008 - $0.62Dread DragonTSHD-EN015 - $0.63Infernity AvengerTSHD-EN014 - $2.30Infernity Beetle TSHD-EN088 - $2.20Wave-Motion InfernoTSHD-EN089 - $22.23Infernity BarrierTSHD-EN097 - $3.54Genex NeutronTSHD-EN098 - $1.07Infernity DestroyerTSHD-EN099 - $5.05Koa'ki Meiru BergzakTSHD-EN086 - $2.18Saber VaultTSHD-EN044 - $6.20Chaos GoddessTSHD-EN083 - $1.48Snyffus TSHD-EN081 - $19.29XX-Saber DarksoulTSHD-EN046 - $2.75Cards for Black FeathersTSHD-EN049 - $15.86Into the VoidTSHD-EN050 - $2.90Intercept WaveTSHD-EN039 - $17.27Herald of PerfectionTSHD-EN040 - $31.58Black-Winged DragonTSHD-EN041 - $3.41Chaos King ArchfiendTSHD-EN042 - $20.52Infernity Doom DragonTSHD-EN043 - $4.66Splendid RoseTSHD-EN003 - $7.20Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr TSHD-EN081 - $1.52XX-Saber DarksoulTSHD-EN046 - $0.39Cards for Black FeathersTSHD-EN049 - $2.68Into the VoidTSHD-EN050 - $0.58Intercept WaveTSHD-EN039 - $4.75Herald of PerfectionTSHD-EN040 - $8.11Black-Winged DragonTSHD-EN041 - $1.58Chaos King ArchfiendTSHD-EN042 - $10.02Infernity Doom DragonTSHD-EN043 - $0.86Splendid RoseTSHD-EN003 - $0.48Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr TSHD-EN040 - $138.05Black-Winged Dragon TSHD-EN056 - $0.17Worm CallTSHD-EN072 - $0.18Phantom HandTSHD-EN007 - $0.19Archfiend InterceptorTSHD-EN034 - $0.30Batteryman AAATSHD-EN021 - $0.12BiofalconTSHD-EN001 - $0.20Blackwing - Ghibli the Searing WindTSHD-EN005 - $0.14Card BreakerTSHD-EN020 - $0.17Fairy ArcherTSHD-EN091 - $0.21Genex UndineTSHD-EN013 - $0.19Infernity RandomizerTSHD-EN028 - $0.10Koa'ki Meiru SandmanTSHD-EN029 - $0.00Memory Crush KingTSHD-EN017 - $0.20Morphtronic VacuumenTSHD-EN033 - $0.26RonintoadinTSHD-EN006 - $0.08Second BoosterTSHD-EN027 - $0.20WattwoodpeckerTSHD-EN054 - $0.33WattcubeTSHD-EN024 - $0.63Lyna the Light CharmerTSHD-EN045 - $0.30Black-Winged StrafeTSHD-EN061 - $0.70Leeching the LightTSHD-EN057 - $0.11Magic Triangle of the Ice BarrierTSHD-EN073 - $0.15Assault SpiritsTSHD-EN066 - $0.19Black ThunderTSHD-EN065 - $0.25Blackwing - BombardmentTSHD-EN074 - $0.19Blossom BombardmentTSHD-EN078 - $0.14Crevice Into the Different DimensionTSHD-EN069 - $0.34Infernity BreakTSHD-EN068 - $0.18Infernity ReflectorTSHD-EN075 - $0.23Morphtronics, Scramble!TSHD-EN076 - $0.17Power BreakTSHD-EN053 - $0.10Dragon LaserTSHD-EN058 - $0.18Koa'ki Meiru Initialize!TSHD-EN060 - $0.26Silent GraveyardTSHD-EN059 - $0.46Dawn of the HeraldTSHD-EN004 - $0.16Changer SynchronTSHD-EN010 - $0.20Flare ResonatorTSHD-EN036 - $0.35Key MouseTSHD-EN019 - $0.23SporeTSHD-EN011 - $0.20Synchro MagnetTSHD-EN026 - $0.34WattfoxTSHD-EN093 - $0.18X-Saber PalomuroTSHD-EN094 - $0.23X-Saber PashuulTSHD-EN090 - $0.14Genex ControllerTSHD-EN031 - $0.15Trigon This marks the end of a long and hard road, the end of these results.