Starter Deck: Yugi (SDY)
TCG • 50 Cards • Released 2002-03-29 • $36.95 • View in Search
SDY-006 - $7.17Dark Magician SDY-042 - $9.98Card DestructionSDY-041 - $0.72Soul Exchange SDY-044 - $0.29Dragon Capture JarSDY-050 - $0.44Ultimate OfferingSDY-034 - $0.96Wall of IllusionSDY-021 - $0.37Book of Secret ArtsSDY-020 - $0.48Sword of Dark DestructionSDY-045 - $0.27YamiSDY-046 - $0.40Man-Eater BugSDY-033 - $0.43The Stern MysticSDY-043 - $0.64Trap MasterSDY-024 - $0.25Ancient ElfSDY-016 - $0.57AnsatsuSDY-036 - $0.49Baron of the Fiend SwordSDY-005 - $0.22Beaver WarriorSDY-009 - $0.36Celtic GuardianSDY-018 - $0.66Claw ReacherSDY-008 - $0.67Curse of DragonSDY-015 - $0.14Doma The Angel of SilenceSDY-014 - $0.62Dragon ZombieSDY-002 - $0.24Feral ImpSDY-007 - $0.68Gaia The Fierce KnightSDY-013 - $0.20Giant Soldier of StoneSDY-011 - $0.56Great WhiteSDY-025 - $0.38Magical GhostSDY-010 - $0.27Mammoth GraveyardSDY-037 - $0.00Man-Eating Treasure ChestSDY-019 - $0.42Mystic ClownSDY-001 - $0.21Mystical ElfSDY-035 - $0.00Neo the Magic SwordsmanSDY-012 - $0.29Silver FangSDY-038 - $0.50Sorcerer of the Doomed
Europe SDY-E004 - $0.71Summoned SkullSDY-003 - $0.12Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1SDY-017 - $0.25Witty PhantomSDY-032 - $0.48Change of HeartSDY-022 - $0.35Dark HoleSDY-029 - $0.40De-SpellSDY-023 - $0.30Dian Keto the Cure MasterSDY-026 - $0.21FissureSDY-039 - $1.97Last WillSDY-030 - $0.50Monster RebornSDY-048 - $0.26Remove TrapSDY-049 - $0.21Castle WallsSDY-031 - $0.23ReinforcementsSDY-047 - $0.24Reverse TrapSDY-027 - $0.13Trap HoleSDY-028 - $0.26Two-Pronged AttackSDY-040 - $0.45Waboku The day is long but these results must come to an end.