Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded (YSKR)
TCG • 49 Cards • Released 2013-12-06 • $18.53 • View in Search
YSKR-EN001 - $5.27Blue-Eyes White Dragon YSKR-EN041 - $0.34Shard of GreedYSKR-EN047 - $0.18BirthrightYSKR-EN044 - $0.00Shadow SpellYSKR-EN018 - $0.56Blade KnightYSKR-EN017 - $0.38Chaos NecromancerYSKR-EN021 - $0.10Cybernetic CyclopeanYSKR-EN023 - $0.00Des MosquitoYSKR-EN026 - $0.14Divine Dragon ApocralyphYSKR-EN019 - $0.70Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4YSKR-EN020 - $0.86Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6YSKR-EN027 - $0.13Interplanetarypurplythorny DragonYSKR-EN016 - $0.30Kaiser Sea HorseYSKR-EN022 - $0.22Puppet PlantYSKR-EN024 - $0.00Tiger DragonYSKR-EN013 - $0.47Twin-Headed BehemothYSKR-EN025 - $0.13Vanguard of the DragonYSKR-EN014 - $0.23Yomi ShipYSKR-EN015 - $0.21Des Feral ImpYSKR-EN011 - $0.27Alexandrite DragonYSKR-EN002 - $0.24Aqua MadoorYSKR-EN004 - $0.76Battle OxYSKR-EN001 - $0.55Blue-Eyes White DragonYSKR-EN003 - $0.54La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the LampYSKR-EN007 - $0.34Luster DragonYSKR-EN009 - $0.37Mad Dog of DarknessYSKR-EN005 - $0.15OpticlopsYSKR-EN006 - $0.00The Dragon Dwelling in the CaveYSKR-EN010 - $0.21Vorse RaiderYSKR-EN012 - $0.17WattaildragonYSKR-EN008 - $0.27X-Head CannonYSKR-EN036 - $0.14Burst Stream of DestructionYSKR-EN028 - $0.35Dark HoleYSKR-EN040 - $0.06Dragonic TacticsYSKR-EN038 - $0.19Shield CrushYSKR-EN039 - $0.22Silent DoomYSKR-EN029 - $0.48Soul ExchangeYSKR-EN034 - $0.29Stamping DestructionYSKR-EN030 - $0.00Tribute to the DoomedYSKR-EN048 - $0.00Damage GateYSKR-EN043 - $0.42Sakuretsu ArmorYSKR-EN046 - $0.54Threatening RoarYSKR-EN042 - $0.13Trap HoleYSKR-EN045 - $0.00Widespread RuinYSKR-EN035 - $0.49Enemy ControllerYSKR-EN032 - $0.38Mystical Space TyphoonYSKR-EN033 - $0.40Offerings to the DoomedYSKR-EN031 - $0.16Rush RecklesslyYSKR-EN037 - $0.19Shrink They pushed forward with optimism, never thinking what would happen if they got to the end of these results.