Premium Gold: Infinite Gold (PGL3)
TCG • 100 Cards • Released 2016-03-17 • $112.71 • View in Search
PGL3-EN096 - $0.40MistakePGL3-EN091 - $0.34Remove BrainwashingPGL3-EN047 - $0.38Alich, Malebranche of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN054 - $0.27Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN051 - $0.24Cagna, Malebranche of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN048 - $0.33Calcab, Malebranche of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN045 - $1.93Cir, Malebranche of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN053 - $0.30Draghig, Malebranche of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN049 - $0.61Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN044 - $1.28Graff, Malebranche of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN050 - $0.43Libic, Malebranche of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN042 - $7.78Maxx "C"PGL3-EN043 - $1.18Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN057 - $1.31Chimeratech Fortress DragonPGL3-EN058 - $0.49Dante, Pilgrim of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN087 - $0.65Galaxy CyclonePGL3-EN080 - $0.37ReasoningPGL3-EN088 - $0.25The Terminus of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN100 - $0.72Blazing Mirror ForcePGL3-EN095 - $2.43Breakthrough SkillPGL3-EN092 - $0.55Dark Mirror ForcePGL3-EN094 - $0.22Fairy WindPGL3-EN098 - $0.41Fire Lake of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN093 - $0.27Radiant Mirror ForcePGL3-EN099 - $1.64Storming Mirror ForcePGL3-EN097 - $0.32The Traveler and the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN056 - $1.02Archfiend EccentrickPGL3-EN041 - $0.44Vector Pendulum, the DracoverlordPGL3-EN055 - $0.52Luster Pendulum, the DracoslayerPGL3-EN090 - $0.37Draco Face-OffPGL3-EN081 - $1.30Emergency TeleportPGL3-EN083 - $1.02Mask ChangePGL3-EN086 - $0.38Mask Change IIPGL3-EN089 - $2.19Mistaken ArrestPGL3-EN084 - $0.57Shared RidePGL3-EN082 - $0.48Spell Shattering ArrowPGL3-EN085 - $0.41The Monarchs StormforthPGL3-EN060 - $0.96Arcanite MagicianPGL3-EN059 - $1.06Black Rose DragonPGL3-EN062 - $0.49Ignister Prominence, the Blasting DracoslayerPGL3-EN061 - $0.39Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN052 - $2.09Ghost Ogre & Snow RabbitPGL3-EN046 - $0.39Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN068 - $0.52Abyss DwellerPGL3-EN069 - $1.00Bahamut SharkPGL3-EN076 - $0.39Castel, the Skyblaster MusketeerPGL3-EN066 - $0.64Constellar PleiadesPGL3-EN071 - $0.40Constellar Ptolemy M7PGL3-EN065 - $1.86Daigusto EmeralPGL3-EN077 - $0.65Dante, Traveler of the Burning AbyssPGL3-EN064 - $0.24Digvorzhak, King of Heavy IndustryPGL3-EN072 - $0.49Evilswarm OuroborosPGL3-EN067 - $3.80Gagaga CowboyPGL3-EN070 - $2.33Lightning ChidoriPGL3-EN079 - $0.37Majester Paladin, the Ascending DracoslayerPGL3-EN074 - $0.22Norito the Moral LeaderPGL3-EN075 - $4.74Number 106: Giant HandPGL3-EN063 - $5.90Number 11: Big EyePGL3-EN073 - $1.66Number 61: VolcasaurusPGL3-EN078 - $0.95Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon PGL3-EN035 - $2.29Black Horn of HeavenPGL3-EN040 - $1.46Grand Horn of HeavenPGL3-EN034 - $0.35Horn of HeavenPGL3-EN001 - $0.45Angmarl the Fiendish MonarchPGL3-EN022 - $0.38Fire HandPGL3-EN023 - $0.40Ice HandPGL3-EN003 - $0.75JunkuribohPGL3-EN030 - $0.62Kozmo DOG FighterPGL3-EN031 - $0.95Kozmo Dark DestroyerPGL3-EN024 - $5.06Kozmo FarmgirlPGL3-EN027 - $0.66Kozmo ForerunnerPGL3-EN025 - $0.70Kozmo GoodwitchPGL3-EN026 - $1.52Kozmo SlipriderPGL3-EN028 - $2.34Kozmo StrawmanPGL3-EN029 - $0.82Kozmoll WickedwitchPGL3-EN004 - $0.33Magical King MoonstarPGL3-EN033 - $0.33Kozmo LightswordPGL3-EN032 - $0.48KozmotownPGL3-EN012 - $0.31Frost Blast of the MonarchsPGL3-EN014 - $0.21Shining Hope RoadPGL3-EN018 - $0.18Dark AdvancePGL3-EN037 - $0.59Deep Dark Trap HolePGL3-EN019 - $0.40King's ConsonancePGL3-EN020 - $0.27Red SupremacyPGL3-EN016 - $0.20The Phantom Knights of Dark GauntletsPGL3-EN015 - $1.45The Phantom Knights of Shade BrigandinePGL3-EN017 - $0.19The Phantom Knights of Tomb ShieldPGL3-EN039 - $0.60Time-Space Trap HolePGL3-EN036 - $0.45Treacherous Trap HolePGL3-EN038 - $0.53Void Trap HolePGL3-EN013 - $0.20Tsukumo SlashPGL3-EN006 - $1.45Phantasmal Lord Ultimitl BishbaalkinPGL3-EN005 - $2.40Stardust Charge WarriorPGL3-EN002 - $0.25Junk ChangerPGL3-EN021 - $1.65Beatrice, Lady of the EternalPGL3-EN009 - $7.20Number 35: Ravenous TarantulaPGL3-EN007 - $3.69Number 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider SharkPGL3-EN008 - $2.96Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic GalaxyPGL3-EN011 - $1.13Number 77: The Seven SinsPGL3-EN010 - $1.17Number 84: Pain Gainer This marks the end of a long and hard road, the end of these results.