Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor (EGO1)
TCG • 35 Cards • Released 2021-06-17 • $30.92 • View in Search
EGO1-EN006 - $0.17Angel O1EGO1-EN022 - $0.00Harpie's Feather DusterEGO1-EN005 - $0.11Level Resist WallEGO1-EN017 - $0.08Mare Mare EGO1-EN001 - $21.87Obelisk the TormentorEGO1-EN004 - $0.16Divine EvolutionEGO1-EN003 - $0.16Fist of FateEGO1-EN002 - $0.32Soul Crossing EGO1-EN031 - $0.08Supply SquadEGO1-EN033 - $0.10Call of the HauntedEGO1-EN008 - $0.15Bazoo the Soul-EaterEGO1-EN019 - $0.18Condemned WitchEGO1-EN009 - $0.33Cyber DragonEGO1-EN012 - $0.22Evilswarm MandragoraEGO1-EN014 - $0.54Evilswarm SalamandraEGO1-EN021 - $0.05Gizmek Makami, the Ferocious Fanged FortressEGO1-EN020 - $0.32Gizmek Uka, the Festive Fox of FecundityEGO1-EN010 - $0.00Hardened Armed DragonEGO1-EN018 - $0.78Nimble BeaverEGO1-EN007 - $0.79Nimble MomongaEGO1-EN013 - $0.03Photon Sabre TigerEGO1-EN015 - $0.12Ra's DiscipleEGO1-EN016 - $0.04Unmasked DragonEGO1-EN011 - $0.62Super-Nimble Mega HamsterEGO1-EN023 - $0.39Brain ControlEGO1-EN025 - $0.24Different Dimension CapsuleEGO1-EN027 - $0.37Double SummonEGO1-EN024 - $0.49Monster RebornEGO1-EN026 - $0.66Pot of AvariceEGO1-EN034 - $0.08CloningEGO1-EN035 - $0.32Drowning Mirror ForceEGO1-EN028 - $0.39Forbidden ChaliceEGO1-EN030 - $0.18Forbidden DressEGO1-EN029 - $0.42Forbidden LanceEGO1-EN032 - $0.16The Monarchs Stormforth They pushed forward with optimism, never thinking what would happen if they got to the end of these results.