Ancient Guardians (ANGU)
TCG • 75 Cards • Released 2021-04-29 • $314.67 • View in Search
ANGU-EN058 - $0.44Damage = ReptileANGU-EN012 - $0.09Ogdoadic HollowANGU-EN039 - $0.09Ursarctic Quint ChargeANGU-EN026 - $0.07Solfachord FormalANGU-EN046 - $0.19Dinowrestler PankratopsANGU-EN042 - $0.10Evil Dragon AnantaANGU-EN003 - $0.07Flogos, the Ogdoadic BoundlessANGU-EN044 - $0.06LightserpentANGU-EN043 - $0.18Skull MeisterANGU-EN041 - $0.13Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous SnakesANGU-EN040 - $0.10Vennominon the King of Poisonous SnakesANGU-EN004 - $0.17Zohah, the Ogdoadic BoundlessANGU-EN011 - $0.12Ogdoadic OriginANGU-EN047 - $0.19Dinoster Power, the Mighty DracoslayerANGU-EN054 - $0.06Ayers Rock SunriseANGU-EN055 - $0.11Pot of RichesANGU-EN051 - $0.99Snake RainANGU-EN023 - $0.06Solfachord ScaleANGU-EN052 - $6.55Trade-InANGU-EN053 - $0.13Viper's RebirthANGU-EN060 - $0.49Offering to the Snake DeityANGU-EN013 - $0.08Ogdoadic CallingANGU-EN059 - $0.11Rise of the Snake DeityANGU-EN025 - $0.08Solfachord MusicaANGU-EN016 - $0.09MiSolfachord EliteiaANGU-EN015 - $0.08ReSolfachord DreamiaANGU-EN045 - $0.15Luster Pendulum, the DracoslayerANGU-EN057 - $0.08Igknight ReloadANGU-EN056 - $0.06Wavering EyesANGU-EN048 - $0.10Ignister Prominence, the Blasting DracoslayerANGU-EN032 - $0.13Ursarctic MegabilisANGU-EN030 - $0.10Ursarctic MegapolarANGU-EN031 - $0.11Ursarctic MegatanusANGU-EN049 - $0.76King of the Feral ImpsANGU-EN050 - $0.10Majester Paladin, the Ascending Dracoslayer ANGU-EN006 - $0.22Aleirtt, the Ogdoadic DarkANGU-EN005 - $0.47Keurse, the Ogdoadic LightANGU-EN002 - $2.19Nauya, the Ogdoadic RemnantANGU-EN001 - $1.98Nunu, the Ogdoadic RemnantANGU-EN029 - $0.15Ursarctic MikbilisANGU-EN027 - $0.16Ursarctic MikpolarANGU-EN028 - $0.18Ursarctic MiktanusANGU-EN024 - $0.22Solfachord HarmoniaANGU-EN010 - $1.24Ogdoadic Water LilyANGU-EN022 - $0.23Solfachord EleganceANGU-EN036 - $0.17Ursarctic DepartureANGU-EN014 - $0.24DoSolfachord CutiaANGU-EN019 - $0.14LaSolfachord AngeliaANGU-EN018 - $0.19SolSolfachord GraciaANGU-EN037 - $0.13Ursarctic Slider ANGU-EN008 - $2.10Amunessia, the Ogdoadic QueenANGU-EN007 - $6.02Aron, the Ogdoadic KingANGU-EN009 - $8.66Ogdoabyss, the Ogdoadic OverlordANGU-EN038 - $2.34Ursarctic Big DipperANGU-EN021 - $3.04DoSolfachord CooliaANGU-EN017 - $2.58FaSolfachord FanciaANGU-EN020 - $1.49TiSolfachord BeautiaANGU-EN035 - $1.16Ursarctic Grand ChariotANGU-EN033 - $1.93Ursarctic PolariANGU-EN034 - $1.25Ursarctic Septentrion ANGU-EN008 - $13.52Amunessia, the Ogdoadic QueenANGU-EN007 - $22.79Aron, the Ogdoadic KingANGU-EN046 - $19.69Dinowrestler PankratopsANGU-EN009 - $28.16Ogdoabyss, the Ogdoadic OverlordANGU-EN043 - $6.90Skull MeisterANGU-EN041 - $7.04Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous SnakesANGU-EN051 - $39.79Snake RainANGU-EN052 - $38.82Trade-InANGU-EN021 - $15.39DoSolfachord CooliaANGU-EN017 - $16.62FaSolfachord FanciaANGU-EN018 - $17.32SolSolfachord GraciaANGU-EN020 - $12.30TiSolfachord BeautiaANGU-EN035 - $7.82Ursarctic Grand ChariotANGU-EN033 - $9.26Ursarctic PolariANGU-EN034 - $8.35Ursarctic Septentrion All things must come to an end, such as these results.