Monsters (25)
Main lineup:
3 pikari @ignister (combo starter)
1 doyon @ignister (recycle extender)
2 bururu @ignister (mill doyon)
3 achichi @ignister (combo starter)
1 water leviathan @ignister (darkfluid)
Cyberse generic support:
3 parallel eXceed (free xyz or link 2, both good, DOES NOT BRICK AT 3 PEOPLE)
3 lady debug (searcher, I’m considering replacement for this one though)
3 skull miester (good in current meta state)
3 ash blossom and joyous spring (search negate)
3 droll and lock bird (I’m about to end this man’s whole career)
Spells (15)
Main lineup:
2 ignister ai land (stupidity good)
3 when ai first met you (search to start combos)
2 aidle reborn (great extender)
1 ai contact (just in case)
Cyberse generic support:
3 cynet mining (combo starter searcher)
1 cynet ritual (cyberse witch)
1 cynet fusion (clock spatori, for darkfluid)
1 rageki (more ragequits come out of this than anything else)
1 harpie’s feather duster (in case of set 5 pass decks)
Firewall materials:
1 diplexer chimera (fusion, recycle)
1 wind Pegasus @ignister (synchro, removal while I’m at it)
1 light dragon @ignister (xyz, removal while I’m at it)
1 the arrival of cyberse @ignister (haha, number go boom)
1 firewall dragon darkfluid (quad monster negate and one hit win, multi attack as well sometimes)
1 firewall dragon erreta (card was so good it got nerfed, it’s still decent)
1 accesscode talker (funny pops)
1 cyberse witch (underrated extender, search ritual and summon a graveyard monster)
1 clock spatori (cynet fusion search)
1 cyberse wikked (bururu search)
1 splash mage (summon, I also deliberately mill it to the grave for accesscode)
1 dark templer @ignister (triple summon and when ai first met you target, why not?)
1 decode talker heatsoul (fire phenox @ignister if you’re doing tcg) (draw to get you back into the game and also is a when ai first met you target to get achichi)
2 dark infant @ignister (if @ignister is to get nerfed this would be the hit)
Anti meta:
3 alpha, master of beasts (not destruction removal)
3 artifact lancia (anti eldlich)
3 twin twisters (twin pop)
Anti conditional
3 lightning storm (just in case)
3 triple tatics talent (if they’re running too many negates then you can use this)
This build is designed to run all three main ways players win with @ignister so that way you have multiple options to go into giving you more diversity and making it harder for opponents to stop you, you should commonly win with one of the following, accesscode, darkfluid, or arrival of cyberse.
All three have strengths and flaws so pick one accordingly!
The arrival of cyberse is powerful but it’s also hard to bring out the best version and only provides one pop a turn.
Accesscode talker is immune to effects and can pop multiple cards in one turn but it doesn’t boast the attack of the arrival.
You can one card out a 4 counter darkfluid but it loses 2500 attack every time it negates something and it can only negate monsters and doesn’t destroy, plus it isn’t immune and it’s multi attack effect is very conditional.
I believe that you can make igniters very adaptable if you choose for them to be that way, there are 12 cards in your deck that’ll open your multiple one card combos for you
Though they all start the same way, they’ll all extend and end differently.
Example below:
1 card combo
Summon achichi
Add pikari
Link achichi for dark infant
Infant search ai land
Activate ai .and
Ai land summon pikari
Pikari search aidle reborn
Link dark infant and pikari for wikkid
Aidle reborn summon something next to wikked’s link
Wikked search bururu
Link wikked with the other card for witch
Ai land summon bururu
Bururu send doyon and then witch banish aidle reborn to search cynet ritual and water leviathan
Witch summon doyon from grave
Doyon recycle achichi
Link doyon with witch to make spatori
Spatori search cynet fusion
Link spatori with bururu to make dark templer
Ai land summon achichi
Link achichi for dark infant
Templer then relocate infant
Summon achichi bururu and pikari
Bururu tune pikari for wind Pegasus
Bururu summon pikari
Pikari relevel achichi to 4
Overlay achichi and pikari for light dragon
Cynet fusion to fuse the ritual in your hand with dark infant for diplexer chimera
Diplexer effect tribute self to lock spell/traps
Link the rest for darkfluid
Go to battle phase and swing for game with more monster negate, no spell traps, and multi attacks.