Why didn't I add Kairyu-Shin? It's too weak, even running 2 copies of Legendary Ocean I think it's not worth using it. Also the Aquabizarre Dragon is clearly based on Kairyu-Shin. So, I added 8 normal level 1-4 monsters (classic cards), and 8 effect level 1-4 monsters (most are recent cards, but nothing too OP). Fortress Whale, Legendary Fisherman and Amphibian Beast are must cards for this deck, and the other high level monster are level 5, because the main strategy of this deck is to use The Legendary Ocean effects in order to summon the level 5 monsters. Mixing old and new cards is a difficult task because I like to stick to our main theme (old school and Mako), so I tried me best to give this deck an original and old school touch.
. I didn't add Legendary Fisherman III because he's too OP, and that's not the purpose of this deck;
. You can use Kairyu-Shin, Giga Gagagigo, or Plesion Mecha Dragon and replace Aquabizarre or Salmon;
. Uminotaurus, Gilman, Blue Breaker and Warrior of Atlantis provide basic support, and they are not broken cards;