This is my take at a "Fortune Lady" deck. "Fortune Ladies" are a fairly unique archetype with various effects that gain stats according to their level times a certain number. Right off the start, the Main Deck monsters are rather bad at battling despite the fact that this is actually an Aggro deck, but they can build a very potent draw engine that allows the Extra Deck to shine.
The archetypal monsters in the deck consist of three copies of "Fortune Lady Water", who are the main monster of the draw engine due to allowing you to draw two cards whenever she is Special summoned while you control a "Fortune Lady" monster (not once per turn, btw.), three copies of "Fortune Lady Light" who searches other "Fortune Ladies" when she leaves the field due to an effect and three "Fortune Lady Past" as a "Fortune Lady Light" enabler and very useful Tuner monster. The single copies include "Fortune Lady Dark", which can trigger a revival chain if all the stars align correctly, "Fortune Lady Fire" as monster removal with a useful burn effect and "Fortune Lady Wind" who dabbles in backrow removal when Normal Summoned. I also included a some "Fortune Fairy" monsters since they also belong to the archetype: One "Fortune Fairy Hikari" helps with the summoning of either "Fortune Lady Light" and "Fortune Lady Past" while still being useful to summon "Linkuriboh" in a pickle, while "Fortune Lady Swee" can take both your and the opposing monsters from the field temporarily for various effects.
Due to the lack of disruption and sizeable beaters, I got inspired by "DarkArmedDuelist" and included a "Silent Magician" engine. The three copies of "Silent Magician" can reach up to 4000 ATK in the deck with relative ease and provide Spell negation while they can also search the single copy of "Silent Magician LV8" upon their demise.
The backrow helps the archetype's strategy in various ways: "Instant Fusion" can fetch "Thousand-Eyes Restrict" to get rid of a monster, while also potentially summoning "Time Wizard of Tomorrow" for a gimmicky nuke effect. "One for One" searches either "Fortune Lady Light" or "Fortune Lady Past", "Magicalized Fusion" is able to summon "Quintet Magician" as a potential game-ender, the "Spellbook" engine of "Spellbook of Secrets" and "Spellbook of Knowledge" allows for searchable card draw that also triggers "Fortune Lady Light", "Fortune Lady Calling" is a useful summoning tool that can fetch you "Fortune Lady Water" for draws but can also summon all the others, "Reasoning" is there due to various levels to hit, "Fortune's Future" can use banished cards for further card draw, "Terraforming" gives more consistency by searching "Future Visions" which is helpful for your "Fortune Lady Light" while potentially screwing the opposing plays over, "Monster Reborn" revives, "Called by the Grave" counters Hand Traps, "Fortune Lady Rewind" is a "Soul Charge"-esque card for the archetype and "Fortune Vision" is a searcher with various useful effects added to it.
The Extra Deck has, as usual, various options to help your game plan. We covered the Fusion monsters already, so there is only the same ratio of Synchro and Link monsters left to talk about. Since "Fortune Lady Calling" locks you into Synchro monsters it is nice to have some options, such as "Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons" as a sizeable and growing beater against certain matchups, "Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon" as a really solid negation/beatdown tool, "Black Rose Dragon" as a field nuke, "F.A. Dawn Dragster" as another negate and "Fortune Lady Every" for both her recurrence and the banish effect. The Link options consist of "Linkuriboh" to get yourself rid of the attack restriction of "Thousand-Eyes Restrict" while also walling single monsters, the "Knightmare" engine as removal and "Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter" as a level manipulation tool with added monster destruction.
"Fortune Lady" really seems like a deck that is rather fickle. One game you might be able to draw 10+ cards due to your combo working perfectly well, while completely bricking in the next game. They are certainly interesting to play and use some effects that you do not see that often in the game. If you want to know more about the "Fortune Lady" archetype, I have written an archetype analysis for them, which you can find here: