Alpha + Zeta combo video:
Alpha or Zeta + Benten combo video:
ALL Drytron combos playlist:
Competitive Drytron Deck.
No Megalith Engine, No Magikey Engine, No Fairy Engine, No Eva, Post banlist 27 Jan 2022
Nekroz / Winda Engine:
Main Deck:
- 1 Nekroz of Brionac ( Lv 6 Nekroz, optional: if can be played 3x alongside 1 Nekroz of Clausolas as it can search the ritual spell itself)
- 1 Nekroz Kaleidoscope ( Sends El Shaddoll Apkallone from the ExtraDeck to the GY and ritual summon Brionac )
- 1 Shaddoll Schism ( Fusion summon El Shaddoll Winda, banishing Apkallone and another dark monster )
Extra Deck:
- 1 El Shaddoll Apkallone ( If sent to the GY adds Shaddoll Schism from Deck to Hand (discarding 1 card) )
- 1 El Shaddoll Winda ( Sp Summon Lock )
PROBABILITIES : Deck 40 cards,
without counting Pot of Prosperity, opening with 5 cards going first and 6 cards going second:
- Droplet / Dark Ruler going second : 49.25%
- Anti-Nibiru Combo going first: 40.01%
I've come up with this combo myself, if you wish to republish it elsewhere, I wish you would, at least, give explicit credit to the linked video and channel.