With ignition assault dropping with some brand new zombie support it's about time I updated my favorite rogue strategy.
This version of the deck varies from the standard variation of the zombie strategy by not just being a control deck but also being good at combos.
The deck has a few decent starters, gozuki, Uni-zombie, sharinui solitaire, and Armageddon knight all help to get your grave yard dumping started.
A high ratio of Danger monsters are used for draw power, combos, and getting cards out of the hand that you want in the grave.
Destiny hero malicious is involved as he is easy to dump into the grave and can help be a nice combo extender.
Droll and lock is replacing ash as it is just better for the new format, with so many decks searching so many times the one search negate of ash blossom is not enough, so instead of stopping one search, let that one be the only search they get.
Now for the big bois, Doomking Balerdroc, and Jack-o-bolan (and a secret third option). These cards can effectively say no to may of your opponents plays by straight up negating the effect, banishing a combo piece, or stealing the combo piece before it can do it's thing. With these card on field it can be almost unfair to go against as many of the deck that can out zombies stop being able to since they can't reach their combos. For those making their own deck there is a third option to consider, Hela generaider boss of doom. She can tribute zombie monsters on your field to special summon a zombie with a different name from your graveyard, her plus Jack-o-bolan can steal your opponents monsters to then tribute them off banishing them in the process while also grabbing combo pieces from your grave or extra deck monsters that were already defeated. I personally do not run her as I had a hard time finding a place in this variant of the deck but she is an option.
Extra deck time
Omega just refreshes all of your combo pieces back to grave or brings back a doomking that probably got called by the graved. With Omega you can just continue using resources as much as you really want.
Vampire sucker is free draws basically and can helped get more cards in hand to get to your hand traps or super poly. She also has a nice effect to tribute your opponents cards to summon a zombie (you don't know how fun it is to tribute a super quantal mech king great magnus to summon a card to your field).
Number 60 really just helps you finish off the game that turn if you need to
Abyss dweller does abyss dweller things
Borrelsword and Red eyes otk
the rest are pretty self explanatory