2025-03-04 21:10:15
+ 1Valkyrie Brunhilde+ 1One for One+ 3Valkyrie Dritte+ 3Starring Knight+ 3Hip Hoshiningen+ 1Herald of Orange Light+ 2Final Light+ 1Loge's Flame+ 1Valkyrie Chariot+ 1Trias Hierarchia+ 1Valkyrie Zweite+ 3Condemned Darklord+ 2Goddess Skuld's Oracle+ 1Fortune Chariot+ 1Apple of Enlightenment+ 3Valkyrie Sechste+ 1Valkyrie's Embrace+ 2Valkyrie Funfte+ 3Herald of Mirage Lights+ 3Fairy Cheer Girl+ 2Goddess Verdande's Guidance+ 2Ride of the Valkyries+ 2Valkyrie Vierte+ 1Valkyrie Erda+ 1Pot of Prosperity+ 1Protecting Spirit Loagaeth+ 2Goddess Urd's Verdict+ 1Mischief of the Time Goddess+ 3Diviner of the Herald+ 3Valkyrie Sigrun
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