The ol' Z-ARC deck. The first deck I planned building after coming back to Yugioh 5 years after having duels at school with crazy old cards. Ended up building RDA over it but hey it's whatever.
First decklist I made for a ZARC deck was absolutely abhorrent as I had zero clue what I was doing. When I played with friends, stuff like Blue Eyes was impossible to get over. Took me a while to learn new Yugioh (especially Pendulum) and here I am now with the last version of Z-ARC I'll be making.
➥ Monsters:
Pretty basic Pendulum Magician stuff but with extras, because this deck is about Z-ARC, not building a board of 8 negates after a 10 minute turn.
Black Fang, White Wing, Purple Poison, Oafdragon, and Wisdom-Eye all at 2. Black Fang / White Wing / Purple Poison can all be scales, but their main purpose is to be material for Z-ARC. We're not running any of the actual Extra Deck requirements for Z-ARC, just the main deck substitutes. Oafdragon as a good low scale, and to grab a card from the ED. Wisdom-Eye is there to place scales as per usual.
Astrograph, Chronograph, Darkwurm, Gate Zero, Celestial Magician, Arc Pendulum, Deskbot 001, and O-Lion all at 1. The Sorcerers are pretty obviously there to summon Z-ARC, or be used as Link fodder to send em back to the Extra Deck. Darkwurm can be used as a play starter, using things like Foolish Burial or Dragon Shrine to send it to the GY and then use it's effect to summon it. Gate Zero is a great low scale that also has a decent but not very useful effect when we have Z-ARC out. Deskbot 001 and O-Lion are there for the Halq / Auroradon Synchro combo, but I'll get to that later.
Skullcrobat at 3 because it's Skullcrobat, no explanation needed. Free search for a Normal Summon.
➥ Spells & Traps:
Raigeki and Reborn as just basic and useful spells. You can replace these with more handtraps like Veiler or good going second cards like Lightning Storm or Droplet. I just like the cards themselves because they're OG but still useful. Though I have been considering swapping them for Droplet.
Pendulum Call and Duelist Alliance as more searches. Pretty basic stuff. Pendulum Call is only at 2 because we do use Pendulum effects decently often with Wisdom Eye and Oafdragon. Star Pendulumgraph for Scale protection and draw power when you bring out Electrumite.
Dragon Shrine and Foolish Burial are here to quickly get either Darkwurm or the Magicians needed for Z-ARC. If you get Dragon Shrine, send Arc Pendulum so the second effect procs and you can send another Dragon, aka Darkwurm. That's why I use Arc Pendulum rather than the original, because it's a Normal monster which means Dragon Shrine can be used at full potential.
Imperm is pretty obvious. Just a good negate. You can once again swap it out for whatever else you want.
➥ Fusions:
2 Supreme Starving Venom and 1 copy of the main boss itself, Z-ARC. For obvious reasons. Z-ARC is an underrated boss monster. 4K beater, can't be targeted or destroyed, blows up enemy field on summon, and can summon a Starving Venom (or any other Supreme Kings you might be running) whenever it destroys a monster by battle. Only problem with it is how hard it is to summon, but with this deck its fairly easy, and there are other monsters you can go for.
➥ Synchros:
Herald of the Arc Light is a good negate and also has an effect like Dark Law which banishes stuff instead of them being sent to the GY. This alone counters a ton of decks, especially meta decks like Drytron or Admancipator, which use their GY as a field of its own with tons of effects. It also has the Stardust Dragon tribute-to-negate effect. Wonder Magician is a free card pop (can be used on your scales like Double Iris to grab a Pendulumgraph). Borreload Savage is there for obvious reasons, it's THE best generic Synchro atm and not much will change that.
➥ XYZ:
Utopic Future and Draco Future are there for when you get 2 Timestars or a Bagooska on the field. Overlay them for a good negator that can't be destroyed and has a decent body + stealing potential. Timestar is there pretty obviously to search for your Magicians. Bagooska is for when you either get negated, have a bad hand, or don't want to play through a Maxx C.
➥ Links:
Halqifibrax is the heart the Synchro combo. Electrumite is a must in any Pendulum Magician deck. It makes Astrograph basically always be on your field, can destroy a card for an effect like Double Iris, gives you draw power, and has good Arrows.
Auroradon is there, once again, for the synchro combo. Spawns tokens on summon, tributes itself and 1 token to summon O-Lion.
Apollousa is the best Link monster negate and is easy to make, with generic materials. Once per CHAIN negate??? Of course Apollousa is in here. If you don't want another negate, use something like Accesscode or Borrelsword.
➥ You can run DPE instead of the Synchro combo package if you want, I just don't run it because I don't find it fun.
That's about it, Z-ARC is one of my favorite cards and while this deck might not be too competitive, it is incredibly fun thinking of all the combos and managing all the needed Magicians to big brain Z-ARC out as fast as possible.
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