The video is highly recommended for anyone who wants to see the full combo and particular situations like getting negated from a hand trap (credits to Nerd Factor for creating it, he did a REALLY good job)!!!
You want to send Darkwuirm to your gy to special summon him with his effect and grab a Supreme King Gate Magician, you activate Gate Magician and destroy him to activate a Gate Zero from your deck. After that you want to normal summon any monster to link it and darkwuirm away for Beyond the Pendulum and with its effect get lightwuirm, then pend summon using lightwuirm and Gate Zero, the Gate Magician and darkwuirm from your FU extra deck and activate the Gate Magician's effect and grab Soul of the Supreme Celestial Being, set it and end your turn. On the opponent's turn you can activate the Soul of the Supreme Celestial Being, tribute Gate Magician and banish the Fusion, Synchro, Xyz and pendulum dragons so that Z-ARC can activate its effect of clearing the opponent's field, then activate lightwuirm, special summon it and return from the extra deck the Gate Magician you tributed and then you can synchro using lightwuirm's effect and targeting darkwuirm the Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing (lightwuirm needs to become dark because it requires a dark tuner monster). After that you will have completed your combo and have cleared the opponent's whole field once and destroyed every face-up monster your opponent summoned after that using Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing! GL HF!!!