This deck is focused on controlling the opponent with different strategies: from the classic traps Yugi used, like "Mirror Force", "Magic Cylinder", "Spellbiding Circle" etc, to the limiting attack effect monsters like "Kuriboh", "Electromagnetic Turtle" or "Obnoxious Celtic Guardian" or the spell "Swords of Revealing Lights"
Moreover it contains the classic trio: "Dark Magician", "Dark Magician Girl", "Magician of Black Chaos" (in its original ritual form to boost the effect of "DMG"), the fusion monster "Dark Pladin" ("Dark Magician" +"Buster Blader"). It also contains "Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast", "Arkana Knight Joker" (in substitution for the anime only card used the anime) and the Timaeus fusions: "DMG the Dragon Knight", "DM the Dragon Knight" and "Amulet Dragon".
The classic spells "Pot of Greed", "Graceful Charity" and cards like "Skilled Dark Magician", "Morphing Jar" or "Dark Renewal" are there to add speed and drawing power to the deck.
And Breaker. Breaker is cool. Enough said. DORRROOOH!!!!