This deck got a very good field spell now, in fact it's a combo by itself!
Here's a combo:
Activate nightmare throne
Add lotus
normal lotus
tribute it and summon spirit from your deck.
add nightmare pain.
actuvate nightmare pain
Use nightmare pain's effect to destroy spirit and add grave squirmer.
Spirit effect summon Yubel throne effect add and summon terror incarnate.
activate squirmer and summon it by destroying yubel
Use yubel to summon incarnate.
link incarnate and squirmer for ip
Use incarnate's effect to summon nightmare from the deck.
link ip, incarnate, and nightmare for apollosa
Use incarnate to summon nightmare from the grave
Use your squirmer to revive a monster and make sp little knight.
yeah it's dumb but apparently yubel can do that now, so lol.
This combo essentially drops all of you dead cards (basically monsters that are only able to be summoned by yubel, you're freely able to summon them from the graveyard with the same effects that dumps them from the deck, so those monsters are best off out of your deck as they will be a dead draw in the future) from your deck and sets up 4 interruptions. There's probably more stuff you can do with this general concept but I think you get the general idea.