Back once more for X-Saber build.
So we have a lot to cover and a lot of new cards to play around with
XX-Saber Faultroll x3
Summoner Monk x3
Rescue Ferret x3
Rescue Cat x2
X-Saber Airbellum x2
XX-Saber Darksoul x2
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit x2
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x2
Marauding Captain x2
XX-Saber Ragigura x2
XX-Saber Boggart Knight x1
X-Saber Pashuul x1
X-Saber Palomuro x1
Called by the Grave x3
Double Summon x3
World Legacy Succession x3
Forbidden Lance x2
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Monster Reborn x1
One for One x1
XX-Saber Gottoms x1
XX-Saber Hyunlei x1
Naturia Barkion x1
Naturia Beast x1
Herald of the Arc Light x1
Linkuriboh x1
Salamangreat Almiraj x1
Clara & Rushka, the Ventriloduo x1
Crystron Halqifibrax x1
Missus Radiant x1
Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable x1
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess x1
Saryuja Skull Dread x1
Draco Masters of the Tenyi x1
Borreload Savage Dragon x1
The main goal of this deck is to run two dark souls first turn along with Goddess, Savage, and Gottoms on field. You can do this about 3/5 of the time.
Saryuja Skull is the most important card in the extra deck for starting the chain. The deck is set up to almost always get 4 different monsters on the field with two cards in hand.
Allowing for a three card hand at the end.
Main Tactic
MC -> Summoner -> Toss Magic Card -> Cat -> Dark Soul + Air = Link 4 go dread Draw 4 cards -> Ferret(Monk(Full combo needs the ferret and not the monk)/Faul Troll (Hopefully). -> Ferret Special by Dread -> Ferret Effect -> Dark Souls, Rag, Pasuul. If you've drawn the Pasuul or dark soul go with Rag, Tuner (level 1), Rescue Cat. This will allow for Goddess and Naturia Beast on Field. Which at least allow for negate of magic and monster cards plus a few other combos.
Overall I find that it can run a strong -2 to hand, Gooddess and Savage and Gottoms on feild.
to get the needed -2 from hand you run the following Reborn(link Succession), Faultroll, Ferret. The ferret grabs three sabers faultroll spawns off effect. Link off your rag, dark souls, Pasuul and dread, So Goddess is now at 3,200. Then after doing that bring out the level 3 tuner and sync off for Gottoms, link/reborn the rag. Two Sabers on Field allows for Troll to Summon, Pop the Rag and then Gottoms. Leaving you with Faultroll + Summon Pasuul to go into borrel so you will have the following in play Goddess at 3,200, -2 to the hand, 4 counter savage. Two Searching at end phase for Boggart and Rag.
A lot more to do with this combo as well, you could just go for a plan old rip the whole hand as well if you choose.
Ferret, Faultroll, Monster Reborn(Link Succession)