True Draco" and "
True King", known as "
True Dragon" (真竜
Shinryū) in the
OCG, is an
archetype of
Wyrm monsters that premiered in
The Dark Illusion with its first support debuting in
Maximum Crisis. It is composed of two sub-series, "True King" and "True Draco".
In the Italian version, the inclusion of "
Disciples of the True Dracophoenix", "
Dreiath III, the True Dracocavalry General", "
Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster" and "
Mariamne, the True Dracophoenix" seems to be implicit, because their names don't contain "Vero Draco".
Metaphys" (
Metafaizu) is an
archetype of
LIGHT Wyrm monsters that debuted in
Duelist Alliance but did not have any support until
Circuit Break. With the exception of "Metaphys Executor", they are all counterparts to existing monsters from the
Duel Monsters and
GX eras of
Metaphysical Regeneration" will be renamed so that it will be excluded from the archetype in the
TCG. The inclusion of cards whose names contain the feminine word "Metafisica" (e.g. "
Ascensione Metafisica") seems to be implicit in the Italian version because their names don't contain "Metafisico".