2024-02-15 19:19:54
+ 1World Legacy Key+ 2Auram the World Chalice Blademaster+ 1Guardragon Justicia+ 1World Legacy Awakens+ 1World Legacy Monstrosity+ 1World Legacy Trap Globe+ 1World Legacy Landmark+ 2Lee the World Chalice Fairy+ 2Chosen by the World Chalice+ 2Polymerization+ 1World Legacy's Nightmare+ 1Orcustrated Return+ 1World Legacy's Mind Meld+ 1World Legacy - "World Crown"+ 1Orcustrated Attack+ 2Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior+ 2Imduk the World Chalice Dragon+ 1World Legacy Survivor+ 1World Legacy Guardragon Mardark+ 2World Legacy Scars+ 1World Legacy Collapse+ 1World Legacy - "World Key"+ 1World Reassembly+ 1World Legacy - "World Ark"+ 1World Legacy - "World Lance"+ 1Orcustrated Core+ 1Crusadia Vanguard+ 1World Legacy - "World Shield"+ 1Crusadia Krawler+ 2World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy+ 2World Legacy - "World Chalice"+ 1World Legacy Struggle+ 2Beckoned by the World Chalice+ 1World Legacy Bestowal+ 2World Legacy Discovery+ 1World Legacy's Corruption+ 1World Legacy Whispers+ 1Orcustrated Einsatz+ 1World Legacy in Shadow+ 1World Legacy's Memory+ 1Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight+ 1World Legacy Cliffhanger+ 2Ib the World Chalice Priestess+ 1World Legacy - "World Armor"+ 2World Chalice Guardragon+ 1World Legacy's Sorrow+ 1World Legacy Guardragon+ 1World Legacy Pawns+ 1The World Legacy+ 1World Legacy Clash+ 1World Legacy - "World Wand"+ 2Ib the World Chalice Justiciar+ 2Crowned by the World Chalice+ 2World Chalice Guardragon Almarduke+ 2World Legacy's Heart+ 1World Legacy's Secret+ 1World Legacy Succession
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