Okay first off: yes, I'm writing this in Comic Sans ^^ This deck is an odd one in my opinion. As far as I'm aware, there are no Magician of Faith / Needle Worm decks out there in the same sense as this deck.
The aim of this deck is to make your opponent draw out. Easy, right? It may seem unconventional and does require some patience, however I can assure you that this deck is more than capable of putting up a fight against some tougher decks.
Let's talk strategy. There are 2 main parts to this deck: the mill power, and the protect/prevent part (PPP :P)
PPP - I was hesitant to include it at first, but Mystic Mine will be your main form of protection in this deck. I know how frustrating it can be to less experienced players, which is why I was on and off about the idea, however, I finally gave in; sorry Swords of Revealing Light, you just won't cut it. To back up the Mystic Mine we have Field Barrier. This protects the mine from being destroyed by opponents, but also by it's own effect. Get both on the field and you're pretty much set - just make sure to play MM BEFORE FB. This deck also features the classic Battle Fader. You could exchange it for Swift Scarecrow which would probably be better, but I prefer Battle Fader :) I have also included 3 copies of Threatening Roar. I think this card works perfectly for this deck. It can stop attacks, but due to it's nature, it can also be used to allow only a few attacks through. This means that you can let your opponent clear your board a little to make way for new monsters, while also reaping the benefits of their effect and then preventing any further assault, should you find yourself in a situation without Mystic Mine's effect.
Now for the mill power - there is of course the Needle Worm, which is better for situations where you need to mill your opponent quickly before it's too late. Make use of the Book of Moon/Taiyou to gain the worm's effect more than once per turn, leaving devastating amounts of your opponent's deck strewn to the grave. However there is one more little loop if you will in this deck. It is a simple, 2-card combo that works really well in my opinion, the Magician of Faith and Book of Eclipse (Bare in mind this only works if your opponent controls at least 1 non-link monster). Basically, you'll have a magician on the field. Activate the book and flip all monsters face-down. At the end of the turn, your opponent's will be flipped up, and they'll draw a card for each. For maximum gain from this little combo, activate the book as your opponent enters their battle phase; it'll prevent them from attacking :) (Chain to their End Phase if they skip battle). Then, during your turn, flip your magician, recover the book and repeat. By having other magicians or worms on the field as well as this, you'll also be able to trigger their effects every turn, essentially allowing you to reuse spells and mill your opponent's deck indefinitely. This comes in handy for cards like The Shallow grave, where you can constantly reuse them, giving your opponent more and more monsters to fuel your combo.
Cup of Ace in this deck is a win-win card. If you flip heads, you get 2 cards closer to fulfilling your combo. If tails, well your opponent has another 2 cards shaved from their deck
Other cards in the deck are mainly draw power to help get the cards you need. The extra deck is mainly fodder for Extravagance, and can consist of any cards you wish, but the cards I've listed can come in handy in particular situations. I would like to note that the underrated card Clara and Rushka, the Ventriloduo is also included. If you don't fancy suiciding your Sangan or WotBF, then this link monster can also do the trick. Unfortunately, it can only be summoned during MP2, although this deck doesn't require any attacking anyways, so it works out pretty well, and it can easily be taken off the board with a Phoenix or Cerberus. What else.. Metaverse is self-explanatory, and so is Ojama Trio (give your opponent more monsters to fulfil Mystic Mine's conditions)
Something I would like to mention when it comes to playing this deck is this: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO PASS THE TURN! Sometimes it is better to just wait for cards to be drawn rather than playing every single move possible. One thing I've found is that it is very easy to find yourself with an abundance of Threatening Roars and Battle Faders, so even if you haven't got the mine, you'll always have a backup :)
Potential weaknesses to this deck that I've found are archetypes such as Kaijus and Monarchs that are able to tribute your monsters. Unfortunately, I have not found a way around this yet, but I'll be sure to update if and when I do. I also saw a guy who was running Monarchs and had a trap that would put spells/traps from their grave back into the deck, which allowed them to stall to victory.
This is my first upload on here and I hope that someone will find a good laugh in my quirky little creation here. Good luck duelists! Feel free to contact my Discord to discuss this or any of my future decks with me, or even just brag about a sweet win you got with it - Katsuki#8104 :)
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