Testing out the newly announced Mitsurugi in everyones favourite reptile deck Ogdoadic supplimented with some Ragnaraika.
The Ragnaraika synergy mainly focuses on making the link-5 stag sovereign by way of the link-4 chain coils, for ED interuption and resummoning chain coils with futsu no mitami on the opponents turn likely through Mitsurugi prayers summoning it from grave.
So far the deck feels really fun, lots of interaction on the opponents turn with ok effects that pile up as you swarm on their turn. Obviously the deck dies to GY hate
Main plays include Ame no Murakumo and great purification for a 2ish negates, futsu no mitami for a board wipe, and standard ragnaraika with hunting dance, stag sovereign, and chain coils.
The Mitsurugi cards have a great ability to amass resources with all monsters having an effect on tribute and the ability to ritual summon from deck usually resulting in a +2 from the tributed card and summon of a ritual which can be chain blocked with the various quick play spells. So the deck has descent tools going second too.
Still considering ratios but 2 of each ritual seems good since you can tribute one for the ritual summon of itself from deck and/or hand.