Mali going to 3 adds multiple lines to the list, that I think justifies some of the more unusual cuts and sides here that detract from convential hero deck theory.
Vyon + discard = Wonder Driver + DPE(normal Vyon send Mist add Mali banish mist add Poly poly make Dangerous discard card send Denier banish Mali special Mali make Wonder Driver banish Mali special 3rd Mali trigger Wonder set Poly special Denier poly make DPE, extend further deepending on hand)
AHL + discard accomplishes the same thing(special Stratos add Vyon normal Vyon send Mist etc etc)
Faris pitch name is still the ideal line but having a low ceiling low investment line in a 1.5 card combo to set up half of your board is why Fusion Destiny is in the side now, you can board it in by going -1 Vyon -1 Mask Change -1 Angel in matchups where plopping down a DPE asap or Dystopia burn is relavent(it would be the best card in the deck if it didn't lock to dark hero imo)
Cutting Liquid and Abzero is another possibly contrivertial pick which I made because in games I found both cards rarely came up and I'd always rather see a vyon/stratos/faris in my hand, + miracle fusion is better used to make Wake Up or Neos Wingman to close games out going blind second or into grind game, which is more relavent and came up in testing games way more often. Trimming down to 40 cards is a plus.
You might consider running Masked HERO Divine Wind when Tenpei comes around, although I'm not running it yet because making Blast in the first place rarely comes up if at all, let alone Divine Wind.