Salaman greats have a lot of powerful level 3 cyverse monsters in their control but lack a lot of ways to swam the field without having another salamangreat on board or in grave. The wind-ups are a very power rank 3 strategy that can swarm the board for link plays but lack cybverse monsters that can go into the more powerful link strategies. My solution was to combine the 2 archatypes to surprising success.
- access to may combo lines with easy access to 4 material apollosa bos of the godess
- fairly cheap maindeck with zero non-staple UR cards and the salaman great structure deck gives cheap access to several SR cards the deck needs and 1 UR
- the wind ups are all soft once per turn and can be recycled with daigusto emeral to repeat 4-5 times in a single turn
- easy access to set up turn 1 nibiru in hand with gallent granate
- some hands can play through ash and other hand traps due to the flexability of the danger and salamangreat cards
- has the posibility to complete the maxx c challenge
- extremly hard to learn combo lines due to the insane ammount of options avaiable
- very weak to nibiru and well played called by the graves as called by can shut down your wind ups
- salamangreat raor can be a dead card sometimes
- discard rng with the dangers
Combo starters and lines
- the danger cards are very powerful as starters with good rng
- rat with a way to get a wind-up in grave
- gazel with a way to get a salamangreat in grave
you will always want to get 3 level 3s on board or 2 level 3 and a wind-up magician. Summon zenmaity detach to get a rat, either trigger magian for another magician, use rat to get a wind up from grave or rat and another level 3 for another zenmaity. Use zenmaity to summon rats as the magician will summon rats in defence and cannot trigger. Once you have 2 zenmaity and a magican on board you use 2 zenmaity to go into maintinance grabbing a shark and triggering wizard to summon another wizard which will then summon shark to field. Always keep in mind which wizards have been triggered, use a triggered wizard and zenmaintinance to summon a unicorn or apollosa. This will be the set up for trigate wizard. Using a shark and wizard go into a daigusto emeral to recycle 3 wind ups, Ideally 2 wizards and a rat. From here it's a matter of what you need on field. You can set up a access code with trigate wizard or go for a full tri-gate wizard set up with appo pointing down, g golem to the right and binary sorceress to the right.
If you have a 3 level 3 set up with 2 cybverse monsters with 1 of them being a salamangreat you can set up a balenyx for your downward arrow instead of apollosa and get a full trigate wizard easier using the zenmaity line and have space to summon a naturia beast.
Possible card changes: in the side deck section there are optional cards that will change the way the deck is played but will expand some options while removing others.
Borrelsword is more straightforward otk machine and can be used when one of the maindeck wind-ups summons a rat/wizard to turn them back to attack and activate them.
Backup opperator is a way to bounce sharks back to hand and retrigger them during zenmaity and wizard summons.
Backup secretary is a way to extend cybverse plays.
Psychic tracker and wheeldeeler are extenders for rank 3 plays and can be used for link plays to summon tr-gate or apollosa.
Gallis with sekka's light cutting out all spells and traps and adding other handtraps like Effect Veiler Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood or more nibirus is a way to mill and special out a level 3 monster if you don't mind the rng involved due to a low sepll/trap count
Code talker inverted is an optional link 2 that can allow for more cybverse plays
Salamangreat circle can be added as a consistency tool for cybverse plays
M-X-Saber invoker with Wind-up Warrior can be used as a way to extend rank 3 plays and trigger wizard before going into a zenmaity
Junk forward is a way to get a level 3 on field at no cost to start rank 3 plays but additional copies could end up as dead draws.