White Aura Fish Synchro Combos:
This is a fish Synchro/Xyz spam combo deck that takes advantage of some of the insane generic water and fish support. It can do some crazy things facilitate floodgates, OTKs, and play through some disruptions. It can take advantage of a very large Sychro and Rank 4 Xyz pool. This mostly operates at a casual to low-rouge status. It won’t take any event tops, but could definitely steal some wins.
This deck has a few combo/playlines that come up fairly frequently. The main goal is to spit out your giant boss monsters from the depths. If you are going first try and make Adamancipator Dragite, for the disruption and if your going second try and make White Aura Whale and Bihamut for a potential OTK. This deck can take advantage and make almost any synchro monster, using Magalancia you can alter the monster levels to make any synchro needed. This deck can also utilize some of the new support from the Duelist from the Deep Booster. This is probably one of my favorite decks ever, I love the idea of all of these ancient and powerful sea monsters rising up from the depths. It s a sold deck and can hold its own quite well in a more casual format.
Combos and Tips:
- Your main starters are Lifeless Leafish or Beatunaful Princess to SS Lealfish or Royal Swamp Eel from the deck. Use Leafishe’s foolish burial effect to dump usually Fishborg Launcher or Coelacanth any level 4 fish if you open White Mirror.
- The main tuners are Gluttonous Reptolphin Greethys, FIshborg Launcher, and Royal Swamp Eel. You will usually SS Swamp Eel from the deck or the GY. Greethys can SS a fish from the grave and gives his Synchro’d monster a nice attack boost, fishborg you want Foolished for his SS effect.
- White Mirror is an insane extender, it’s a +1. The main targets are Silent Angler or Greethys you can SS one from the grave to add the other to the hand you can then SS Silent Angler from the hand for 2 bodies on the field for any Xyz play.
Main Combos:
- Opening Hand: Greethys + Silent Angler- summon Greethys and SS Angler from the hand. Synchro for White Aura Monoceros, trigger his effect SS Greethys from GY. Use Greethys effect to SS Silent angler back from GY in def. Synchro Greehtys and Monoceros into Barrone de Fleur. Use Greethys effect to boost Fleurs attack to 4000.
- Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth: SS him from GY with Monster Reborn, White Aura Monoceros, Number 37, or Whitefish Salvage. Resolve his effect and SS from the deck Fishborg Launcher, Greethys, Friller Rabica, and any other lvl 4 non tuner. Use FIshborg and the Deepsea King to make Dragite or White Aura Whale, then Greethys and Rabica to make Coral Dragon to then Synchro with the lvl 4 into either White Aura Behaumut or Barrone de Fleur.