2024-03-18 17:53:48
+ 1Knightmare Phoenix+ 1Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess+ 1Topologic Bomber Dragon+ 3Infinite Impermanence+ 1Number 49: Fortune Tune+ 2The Weather Thundery Canvas+ 3The Weather Forecast+ 3Time-Tearing Morganite+ 1The Weather Rainy Canvas+ 1The Weather Painter Aurora+ 3The Weather Painter Cloud+ 1Number 47: Nightmare Shark+ 3Piri Reis Map+ 1Knightmare Unicorn+ 3Pot of Extravagance+ 3Torrential Tribute+ 1The Weather Cloudy Canvas+ 3The Weather Painter Rainbow+ 1The Weather Painter Sun+ 1Salamangreat Almiraj+ 3The Weather Painter Snow+ 1Terraforming+ 2The Weather Rainbowed Canvas+ 1Knightmare Cerberus+ 3The Weather Snowy Canvas+ 3The Weather Painter Thunder+ 1The Weather Painter Rain+ 1Relinquished Anima+ 2The Weather Painter Moonbow+ 1Leviair the Sea Dragon
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