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Hello! This was my first deck and something I worked out / built all on my own. I actually picked up Yugioh MD only a month ago and only picked Weather Hackers cause it was the first card I pulled and goddamn Rainbow is one hellava waifu. Using this I got into Plat within a couple weeks.
Anyways. This is called the 'Adventure Kit' as this is the version of the deck splashing the Adventure Token engine. While the Painters don't have a lot of synergy with Adventurers, they both want to do the same thing: set up negates and bounces and completely **** over the enemy. I truly believe that Weather Painters are one of the few archetypes that DON'T need handtraps.
Most of the time you can just completely play through an Ash or a Maxx C (especially since your main deal is double normal summoning with Forecast) since you have SO MANY SEARCHERS in this version of the deck. With the Adventure engine, you have not only an ally looking to do everything you already want to do, but an alternate win condition if your Painters are having difficulty setting up.
Strategies and Notes
Weather Painters: Standard painter plays. Throw out Rainbow on turn 1, Moonbow if you're turn 2 to disrupt boards. You're literally rushing to have your negates and floodgates out and just completely **** over the enemy. If you can set up Skill Drain OR Rainbow you can basically win the game. Note I say or cause while painters can completely swerve around Skill Drain (a required part of the deck), it'll negate Rainbows/Moonbow giving the negate/bounce banish to their painters. Anyways as a standard painter, you just floodgate the enemy, bounce back their bois (since Thundery Canvas is a NON-TARGETING bounce), then beat them down. You can even use your Painters to trigger Torrential Tribute, then trigger their abilities to get them off the board for a free board wipe + canvas effects.
Best turn: Cloudy Canvas -> Snow Painter into Rainbowed Canvas -> trigger Canvas to get Forecast -> Forecast into any weather spell/trap -> Forecast double summon into Cloudy -> Forecast spell/traps into Rainbow/Moonbow -> bring back Cloudy/Rainbow canvas with Cloudy. Next turn you'll have 2 negates on boards, or three if you can summon with Rainbow Canvas.
You DESPERATELY need Snow Painter in your starting hand. If you're lucky, Piri can help get you into her. Feeling super anxious? Slot in more Piris.
Adventurers: Standard adventurer plays. Get out your negate or your double bouncer out with token and literally make the enemy's life a living hell. IMPORTANT NOTE: Weather Painters DESPERATELY needs you to know how to form your board. You want to keep your painters/adventurers on two opposite sides of the field. As FAR AWAY FROM EACH OTHER AS POSSIBLE. If you cross over the lines at all you're going to screw yourself over.
The best card here aside from Griffon's omni negate is Illegal Knight. Use Illegal Knight to bounce two cards for free (like labyrinth traps :3) then use Dracoback to bounce it back into your hand. BAM. Free.
Magician Souls: Consider these your Janitors, your Handymen, your Glue. Magician Souls is an extremely strong tech choice for both painters and adventurers, as you will eventually run into dead cards stuck on your field or in your hand. For example: if you can't draw the Painter monsters, or if your adventurer engine is dead.
Fun Interactions: you can throw out Dracoback for a free re-equip onto the token, or your canvases (with cloudy on the board) to recycle ones you might have lost earlier. Plus! Both Thundery and Magician Souls can send Skill Negate as cost, so you can turn it off whenever you want! If dealing with big mons, or anyone else super unfortunate to put a fat boy on the wrong parts of the field, Magician Souls can turn into Linkuriboh for a stall or Relinquished Anima for a major punish.
Lava Golem: Lava Golem gets its own special category as it interacts with both Weather Painters and Adventurers in a savage way. It's not a CRITICAL strategy, but when it appears on the right board you've got a free win with the insanely powerful removal it has. You can also slot in Kaijus or Nibiru, but Lava has a lot more options.
LG Thundery Canvas: wipes 2 mons, then bounce back to hand and wipe two more if you can.
LG Moonbow: bounce Golem every standby, and you have a CONSTANT 1k/turn burn that your opponent can't deal with, since you can chain Moonbow's banish on the damage tick. They can't tribute, can't link it, can't remove or banish it... They have to deal with Moonbow itself.
LG Adventurers: just like Thundery Canvas, but even stronger. Lava Golem 2 mons -> Illegal Knight bouncing Lava Golem + 1 other card + Lava Golem 2 more (even Illegal Knight if you REALLY wanna) for what accounts for a tribute Raigeki. That or, LG, Dracoback, LG, IK for 5 mons if you wanna lose your IK.
Links: Topological Bomber Dragon, Borrelsword Dragon, Accesscode Talker, Underworld Goddess, and either Knightmare Phoenix or Cerberus. You have really strong board bounces/wipes so I lean on Phoenix, but go whatever. The rest are tech choices, but I'm personally fond of Kiryu Coco-- I mean Topological Bomber. Remember the Torrential Tribute trick with Painters? Think that but EVERY TURN. If you have Adventure Token on board and are willing to sac your Illegal Knight you can also just interrupt nuke both fields.
Lyna is here too I guess, but it's mostly here to pull out fodder for TBD, or pull out a dangerous card sitting in your opponent's GY. You COULD maybe swap out 1 Thundery Painter for a Rain Painter and Lyna for Eria then battle sacc it as an alternative way to pull out Water Enchantress... But that'd be stupid... Unless...
XYZs: You will almost NEVER use these and will most likely just use them as pot fodder. However, they can come in serious clutch if you're in a corner and need to stall by limiting attacks, or just being resistant to getting deleted.
Side Deck: this is just filled with cards you can probably just slot into the deck if you'd like. You can get rid of the Adventure package for a more classic deck, but I find removing em for handtraps unnecessary. Also, Cerberus is good for monster removal if you wanna get rid of Phoenix.
Side spells: You also don't really need terraforming since it just pulls out Forecast, which won't necessarily nab you a painter to use it :T. Raigeki/Feather for wipes, Twin Twisters if you find your hand filled with dead cards often. Dark Ruler no more is absolutely boss at the right time, but not necessary since you typically have like 4 omni negates floating around.
Side traps: You can swap out the Torrential Tributes with any combination of these. If you're getting rid of the Adventure package, definitely bring in Anti-Spell Fragrance, as it'll cripple most decks (especially runicks). I don't recommend Rivalry of Warlords unless you're going PURE Painters as it'll just screw you over in the long run.
Final Words
Weather Painters is an extremely strong rogue deck if you're able to set up. Adventurers are really strong if you can't get out the Painters and are looking to stall/work an alternate beatdown win-condition. You will usually not have BOTH online at the same time. Consider it like switching between the two styles as both Weather Painters and Adventurers both contain one-card combo starters.
Your most important cards: Snow Painter, Water Enchantress, Rite of Aramesir, Fateful Adventure, Piri Map, and Foolish Burial. That's literally 9/42 cards, or a 21.4% of the deck can start a one-card combo. Again, if you're feeling anxious, slot in a couple more Piri's. You can also eke out Snow with literally any Painter + Cloudy/Rainbowed canvas, or slip into them with Magician Souls or Pot of Prosperity.
The deck has an extreme amount of consistency, provided you know what you're doing.