This is my take at a "Watt" deck. The "Watt" archetype features a lot of little Thunder-Type critters that have low stats but some helpful effects in terms of battling. The archetype also has some Synchro monsters to work with, but since I decided against running any of the "Watt" Tuners and those are specifically needed to summon them I did not include them. But there are other options in the Extra Deck to make up for that.
"Wattgiraffe" and "Wattcobra" are the direct attackers of the deck, with "Wattgiraffe" stopping the opponent from activating cards and effects after damaging them, while "Wattcobra" does the absolutely delightful job of searching whenever it damages the opponent via direct attack. "Wattwoodpecker" and "Wattsquirrel" are able to attack twice during each Battle Phase; they do have additional effects, but most of the time they are just needed to push some damage. "Watthopper" can create the well-known "Watthopper" lock, which can stop the opponent from attacking or targeting your "Watt" monsters. "Wattdragonfly" is the only three-off, since it serves as a battle searcher. This means that you can technically fend off up to three attacks by searching "Wattdragonfly" whenever one dies to battle and can end the chain with "Wattlemur", which will prohibit the opponent from using next turn's Battle Phase if it gets destroyed.
In addition to the "Watt" monster line-up, there is only one more monster in the Main Deck, but it is of paramount importance overall: "Batteryman Solar". This monster functions as a "Foolish Burial" on legs if summoned, which is not as important; but it also once per turn summons a "Batteryman Token" which helps summoning Link monsters. The only problem is that it often wants to take the Normal Summon slot, so we have to work around that. I provided a few options to make summoning easier: "Instant Fusion" provides access to "Kaminari Attack", which not only triggers the token summoning of effect of "Batteryman Solar" but also allows the deck to summon "Thunder Dragon Titan" to have access to a larger beater. "One for One" can search for "Watthopper", which can give you the "Watthopper" lock there and then if you have the other copy in hand but also triggers "Batteryman Solar". "Reasoning" also provides another monster, but for instant access into a Link-4 monster you can play the three copies of "Photon Sanctuary": Normal Summon "Batteryman Solar", play "Photon Sanctuary" to gain two tokens and gain another one via the effect of "Batteryman Solar".
The backrow includes some other cards aswell: "United We Stand" provides sizeable ATK boosts depending on the monster on your field, "Psychic Blade" can always provide a flat 2000 ATK boost but costs life points to do so and "Moon Mirror Shield" allows every monster you play to check opposing hitters, with "Wattsquirrel" and "Wattwoodpecker" even destroying two monsters. "Wattkey" allows all the "Watt" monsters in your deck that cannot already directly attack to do so; the card is by no means required, but is a searchable one-off that can give the double attackers what they need to OTK. One "Messenger of Peace" can keep opposing monsters in check without completely invalidating yours.
Trap-wise I included "Armory Call" as an Equipment-searching surprise that can give your monsters bigger stats on reaction, one "Waboku" to prevent damage/destruction, one "Storming Mirror Force" and one "Drowning Mirror Force" against opposing attacks, two copies of "Bye Bye Damage" to potentially kill an unsuspecting opponent via their own attack, two "Lost Wind" as useful recurring ATK decreases and monster effect negates, two "Crackdown" to get rid of opposing monsters/defenses while gaining Link material and two copies of "Thunder Dragons' Hundred Thunders" as a "Call of the Haunted" sort of card, but with the added bonus of allowing you to revive three copies of "Wattdragonfly" once they hit the graveyard.
One three-off that I left out so far is "Wattrain", which is both useful as a multi-searcher and as a swarming tool. Playing it after "Batteryman Solar" did its summon will normally net you three additional "Watt" cards and swarming the field one turn later is slow but very helpful in the deck.
The Extra Deck, aside from the two Fusion monsters, runs basically options that might help the deck in various situations. Both "Tornado Dragon" and "Knightmare Phoenix" provide backrow removal, while "Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer" and "Knightmare Cerberus" provide answers against opposing monsters. "Abyss Dweller" keeps the graveyard in check. "Underclock Taker" can boost a direct attacker, "Hip Hoshiningen" boosts all Light monsters, "Some Summer Summoner" can technically trigger "Batteryman Solar" again but can also opt to resummon "Wattlemur" or "Wattdragonfly". The Link-3 and Link-4 monsters really just provide more of the same but the "Borrel" monsters really give the "Watt" deck attacking power that they rarely ever had before.
"Watt" is a fairly interesting archetype since it does little in both stats and effect text but can still perform some plays on a non-competitive level. Sadly, there is not that much more going on with them and they do rather poorly in more serious environments. Still, if you like the electric critters and want to give them a go, feel free to read some more about them in the archetype analysis on my blog: