Truly awful with just what they had in Blazing Vortex, Lightning Overdrive brought a lot of much needed support for this archetype. S/T removal with Mammud and Big Blow and effect negates with Dignity. Still a very battle focused archetype it can at least stand a bit of a chance against other decks now. Opening hand should have you opening with Mountain (or Terraforming at the least), and one or two monsters. The deck certainly has enough searchers in it now to have a consistent opening rip. Mammud and Orpis can normal themselves with no tribute and Gactos can special himself if you normaled that turn. Fortia, Wento, and Gactos can search if your opponent sends them by card effect; Fortia to hand, Wendo and Gactos special summon. Two Extravagance for slightly more consistence and Cross Over to help remove monsters. Big Blow is essentially an archetype Heavy Storm Duster when your opponent makes a War Rock leave the field: basically everything except for battle destruction as it can only be activated in the Main Phase). I use Spirit as a Battle Phase Monster Reborn but I am sure other people smarter than me could make better use for it. Extra deck is all Link Monsters for various toolbox needs you might have but I think putting some XYZ Monsters in wouldn't be a bad idea. I just am not sure which. Side deck isn't anything special, Monster Reborn, Expendable Dai, and Mind Crush I'm all a little iffy on. Alternates I would put in are a third Solemn Judgment and Infinite Impermanence.
The rest of the deck are all staple powerhouses. Some fine tuning can be done if you feel. I think it's actually not a completely awful deck now.
EDIT: Removed two Borrelswords for Verte Anaconda and Dragoon. Moved Pots to side deck; added third Judgment as well. Added third Dignity to main deck as well as RE Fusion, Dragon, and DM.