Not only have I been bored out of my mind for the past week in the half; I also have the biggest burnout in such a long time. From events that happened in the past 2 years I started playing again, to up until now where I am trying to fix myself for the betterment of others around me. Needless to say, it has gotten to the point where I have been exhausted mentally as of late. However what I have forgotten was a not a deck, but an archetype that doesn't require much afterthought nor compensation to run. Plus with the meta shifting for the 5th (6th) time this summer, I think it is clear that "War Rocks" are the archetype that is a little lax with your brain more than anything (or at least for me).
While "War Rocks" have been the butt-end joke of the Yu-Gi-Oh community for being the "knife you take to a gunfight"; the whole intention of their existence is to be a relic of a long gone era where it's about beating the ever loving shite out of your opponent until they bleed themselves out of consciousness. From War Rock Fortia being able to search an archetype card (such as their field spell, War Rock Mountain); to War Rock Wento having the ability to drain 800ATK on quick effect from your opponents battling monster (if they're going at it against a "War Rock" monster of course), they can at least do something other than "beat the shit out of you until you bleed out of consciousness". Now while the Extra Deck is an optional tool (hence why Pot of Extravagance is in the deck), cards like Ultimate Slayer are at their peak with "War Rocks" due to my deck having cards like Elder Entity N'tss and PSY-Framelord Omega as hit pieces. However the most common package I have been playing with "War Rocks" is the Utopia Package; and simply because with War Rock Fortia and War Rock Gactos, you can easily go into Number 39: Utopia in one turn with no remorse. If you did this however, you can also go into Number S39: Utopia the Lightning (a very "beat the shit out of you until you bleed out of consciousness" XYZ monster); Number 39: Utopia beyond, but with the spell card Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force (basically yeets everyone of your opponents monster's attack to 0); or Number 99: Utopic Dragon (AKA: Number F0: Utopic Draco Future before he was cool af) by discarding the already mentioned Rank-Up spell card from your hand.