Hello and welcome to another guide, where I'll be explaining how to FTK your opponent with "Number 61: Volcasaurus". It's really simple, so let's jump right in.
(What an erupting dino!)
1) Set your opponent's LP to 3000 via Linewalker. To reduce your opponent's LP to 3000, you need to have Linewalker onboard first, which will be easy thanks to Synchro Summons while having a Synchro Monster present. Then, use Double Summon >>> Cusillu combo.
2) Have at least one token summoned with "Black Garden" and replace it with Jizukiru.
3) Use Tricky+Ghost to XYZ summon Volcasaurus.
4) Activate Volcasaurus and target Jizukiru to beat your opponent. Note that you will deal original damage, not modified one due to "Black Garden". Thus, 3300 dmg will be dealt to your opponent.
- As you can see, it's not really difficult. If you want to know how to use your Extra Deck to thin your Main Deck by drawing a lot of cards, read this Synchro Summon hierarchy:
1) If you open up with Monk >>> Panda, this is how you can play with...
Assuming that you have always spells to draw, this is how: Monk + Tuner = Librarian >>> Tuner + Non-Tuner = Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Martial >>> Martial brings Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Integrator >>> Martial + Integrator = Stardust >>> Stardust (Tuner due to Martial) + Non-Tuner = Ancient >>> Ancient pulls Level 1 Tuner >>> Ancient + Tuner = Accel >>> Accel pulls Level 1 Tuner >>> Accel + Tuner = Ravenous
Assuming that there is a chance you might brick, this is how: Monk + (Tuner + Non-Tuner = Formula) = Coral or Stardust >>> Coral/Stardust + Non-Tuner/Tuner = Ancient >>> Ancient pulls Panda/Monk to continue the chain with Librarian and other Synchro monsters.
2) If you start only with Panda, this is how you can play with:
Tuner + Non-Tuner = Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Martial >>> Martial brings Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Integrator >>> Martial + Integrator = Stardust >>> Stardust (Tuner due to Martial) + Non-Tuner = Ancient >>> Ancient pulls Panda/Monk to continue the chain with Librarian and other Synchro monsters.
- So, this will be the final setup, if you have done everything right:
If you wonder how to save up some SR and UR points, I can show you:
- "Pot of Avarice" can be collected by purchasing "Re-Contact Universe" deck. 90 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
- "Into The Void" can be found within "The Infinite Void" Secret Pack to save 90 SR!
- "Black Garden" can be found within "Exquisite Jet-Black Rose" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Number 60: Dugares the Timeless" can be found within "Number Recall" Secret Pack to save 30 SR! You don't have to use him, though, if you are low on SR.
- "Link Bound" is given for free, if you have picked "Link Generation". Thus, 30 SR is saved!
- "Ravenous" can be found within "Legacy Pack" to save 30 SR!
- "Formula Synchron" can be found within "Stardust Ties" Secret Pack to save 90 SR!
- "T.G. Hyper Librarian" can be found within "Futuristic Creatures" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Wonder Wand" and "Spellbook of Knowledge" can be collected by purchasing "Spellbook of Prophecy" deck. 120 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
So, in total, you can save up to 510 SR and 30 UR, if you are willing to spend some gems. Other SR and UR cards I didn't mention are essential.
That's all for this one. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Have fun in Master Duel!
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