I like to play vw with as many options and effects as I can and the best ones are in the extra deck.
It is pure vw and the best play is to:
Get a vw name on the field preferably spell or trap (has to be face up)
If possible get 1 chuche and 2 qinglong to graveyard and 1 of each on the field (to be able to cycle cards from gy to banish to deck)
Now you can go for the caliga crystal wing if you have a spell or trap in hand to set and can make 2 level 6 (you can also use stardust charge warrior a L6 tuner) one tuner one not tuner as well as 2 level 3 for synchro
Synchro summon tzolkin to emz in defense set a face down spell/trap and special summon crystal wing
Synchro summon muddy mud dragon and use it's effect and fusion summon with muddy mud and tzolkin to make caliga and set him in defense.
Or my preferred combo if possible to synchro xx-saber gottams use his effect synchro summon cloud castle use his effect to special summon back gottams and then xyz into hyperyton:
Get a vw name on the field preferably spell or trap (has to be face up)
If possible get 1 chuche and 2 qinglong to graveyard and 1 of each on the field (to be able to cycle cards from gy to banish to deck)
You need a tuner and an earth monster that equal level 9 to synchro summon gottams and once you do you immediately activate his effect and destroy himself
Next you need a tuner and non tuner for a level 9 synchro summon and summon cloudcastle and use it's effect to special summon back gottams
From there you can xyz hyperyton and effectively stop most decks.