I think that the best way to play vendread is synchro
Targets for sending a zombie from deck to gy:
-"chanshi the spiridao" is best if you are able to banish it, it summons itself when banished and allows you to send a zombie from deck to gy
-"mad mauler" is what should be sent by "chanshi the spiridao," allows you to make "immortal dragon" and send another zombie from the deck to gy
-"mezuki" is a good choice, allows any of your zombies to be summoned from gy
-"gozuki" gets stuff out of hand
-"Alghoul mazura" is great choice, prevents destruction by banishing itself from hand or gy, also summons itself when banished from hand or gy
-"shinobi necro" is for when you play arc light or get dimension shiftered and can send from deck to gy, since arc light would banish it, and when it is banished it summons itself
-"glow up bloom" not recommended, lock you into zombies for turn but adds high level zombie or summons it if zombie world is on field
-"necroworld banshee" plays zombie world from deck, should also send "doomking balerdroch" for negates and disruption
-all vendreads are not recommended to send to gy from deck with any other methods than the ritual monster abilities, not worth it