The entire purpose of this deck is to OTK. Bit of RNG, but most of the duel is won before it starts; this is during rock,paper, scissors. You want to always go second. However, there are some options avaliable if you are going first.
Like most Atlantean decks, the ideal is to utilize Neptabyss with Dragoons to acquire Abyssmegalo. This along with having another WATER-type monster is the key of performing an OTK.
The card "Hooked Shinin' Syncher" has tons of potential. It combos very well with "Salvage". It is essentially a free 5 star tuner monster on the field. It can also be special summoned using Neptabyss and Dragoons.
The vanilla monsters used in this deck are used for draw power (trade-in, moray of greed), WATER monster targets for Abyssmegalo, and as targets for Abysslacia as a nice 2900 ATK/DEF beater.
If anyone likes/dislikes this deck, please tell me what you like/don't like about it