So basically you saw the OG yugioh Anime, loved how cool the Valkyrie Archetype was and found out they were printed in the past few years and want to run it. This is how you win with them without cheating like Zigfried did.
The win condition of the deck is resolving grass to get all combo pieces to Two(?) Turn Kill unprepared players which when it comes to meta decks is pretty much nobody. Most of the deck is tailored for that purpose and to improve consistency, you want to have Final Light or Ride of the Valkyries resolve to summon a few Valkyries to the board and get a second battlephase thanks to Mischief of the Time Goddess's unique effect. Goddess Urd's veredict protects your Valkyries while Jet Synchron and Halquifibrax are two very busted cards that net you some backup plays as well as more draw power thanks to a few busted Synchro monsters and will improve consistency, give you acceptable turn 1 boards with an Omni Negate, let you maybe survive another turn or even pick up wins against some weaker decks thanks to how busted Borreload Savage Dragon and Auroradon are.
Once you have picked up on the deck's main strategies it's almost as brainless as Numeron OTK, just more RNGish and harder to get enough firepower on the field to OTK. Remember how in the Anime they only played with 4000 LP? Yeah... A few things to keep in mind: Ride of the Valkyries while good, will shuffle back
ALL monsters on your field back into the deck at the end of the turn, yes, including that Borreload you just made.
UNLESS you have triggered Mischief of the time goddess in the same turn, except Mischief won't work if you have any monster that's not a Valkyrie on the field. So forget about comboing into Borreload to get more ATK on the board for the kill outside of the one in a thousand chance you got 2-3 high Level Valkyries + Borreload + Auroradon up and the opponent is pretty much wide open. That said because Mischief of the Time Goddess lets you bypass Ride of the Valkyries's second effect you're free to combo into Borreload to end your turn, so don't get hasty with that Jet Synchron/Plaguespreader Zombie effect in your GY. Playing smart will win you more duels.
Staples/Handtraps depend on meta/preference as well as Banlist availability. This whole deck is crippled if Grass gets banned/limited/negated so keep that in mind. Crossout Designator is maybe a card one should run at 3 depending on how many handtraps you use. In general you don't want to be running too many non normal spells/traps because you can use Valkyrie Vierte's effect to mill a few cards and maybe get one of Grass/Mallet/Ride of the Valkyries/Final Light onto your hand for a quite big consistency boost. As a rule of thumb, if you haven't won by turn 4 or at worst turn 6 you lost. If you bricked you lost. If the opponent is a decent player running a half decent deck you lost. Yeah, Valkyries are just not good on modern Yugioh and the only reason this kinda works is Grass is one of the most broken cards in the game.