vaguely put together idea because someone somewhere said:
"hey try Dark World it's like infinite material"
so i did some testing with Dark Worlds with Unchained and between my own testing with the Mikanko idea and just playing Yubel for fun
it occured to me that these are all pretty flexible, it's 51 cards because i couldn't decide on what to put more of in
idk good fiend fusions but Fiendsmith's there for Grapha, Dragon Overlord of Dark World. He's a negate with holes but ehhh?
end board of sorts, i am not a competent Dark World player but this seems pretty ok? (face down is Escape, it's just Unchained endboard +1ish)
i should've made a record of test hands and where they ended up but im learning how the Dark Worlds work but generally i've ended with similar end boards, at the very least standard Unchained end board is usually doable potentially with Phantom (i pathed horribly) depending on draws.
at worst you go about making Normal Unchained Endboard but with a buncha extra stuff to negate so maybe you Ceruli > Silva and oops no hand
at best im almost certain you could do so much extra you go through like 4 lvl6s, several lvl3s, Unchained Abomination makes ur random link2s and spares into a big guy that doubles ur explosions
generally though Ceruli's there because he's cool and Lucent summons a fiend from deck which is Yama and you turn off imperm for a bit
(Grapha is mandatory and wont blow up your own stuff)
Droll hurts obvs so Called By is probably a good idea but it (Droll) doesn't seem too popular? i haaaaaaaaaaaate Shifter
Side deck is ideas i haven't looked into because for some reason i only make decks at awful hours of the night.
There's literally 1 card that locks to fiends in the whole deck and it's only while face up so do w/e, field spell isn't once per turn but he
Genta, Gateman of Dark World , only summons himself once.
i hate Shifter
thank you for reading this sleepy girl's racing mind, have a good day <3