You essentially want to go first, if you cant, then use the cat+kaiju combo to wipe their field interupted kaiju slumber.
Going First: Normal summon Magician, special shark, special magician w/ magician, shark eff to make it lv5, special rat w/ magician, link 2 magicians for zen-maintenance, add factory w/ zen-maintenance, activate factory, zen-maintenance banish rat to special rat, add shark w/ factory, special magician w/ rat, special shark, special magician w/ magician, link zen-maintenance+rat+magician+shark(lv5) for skull dread, draw 4 send 3 to bottom, draw something like rescue cat, special rescue cat w/ skulldread, rescue cat eff to special dog & cat, shark eff lv5, special cat w/magician, xyz summon durendal(1st negate) w/ 2 sharks, link Apollousa w/ skulldread+rat+dog+magician.
(this is using only the 2 card combo, if you draw any other combo pieces do a whole lot more.)