So utopia's are actually a viable option of competitive play right now thanks to the introduction of a lot of cards.
Utopic astral hope makes xyz change tactics searchable giving this deck a powerful draw engine , which can easily lead into a +3-+8 in card advantage.
Utopic Future dragon makes the future archetype viable giving a monster eff negate and potential monster steal.
Utopic sage + Gaga guardian gives this deck two useful non number cards to summon future with.
This deck can easily lead into a board with 2-3 monster negates and multiple 4000+ attack point monsters on a first turn hand.
Running ZW's make this deck prone to bricking so keeping this deck staple light. Dark ruler no more/ Called by the grave are important to stop hand and field negations, and solemn judgement and numbers protect give this deck some much needed omni negates. Harpie's feather duster is for backrow.