Utopia Master Duel Feb22
Deck Primer
Master Duel has a Utopia Structure Deck available from the beginning of the game and it's about it and its improved version that we're going to talk about next.
Budget version of the deck (3 Structure Decks):
Only with the Structure Deck cards the deck's gameplay is limited and is based on making the Ultimate LEO Utopia Ray equipped with several "ZW -" monsters that give attack to the equipped monster in addition to an extra protection effect against destruction or target of cards or even interaction with the opponent with the "ZW - Pegasus" which is the main "ZW -" monster available and that you always want to equip in LEO Utopia. That way you equip LEO Utopia with several "ZW -" monsters so that it becomes a respectable Boss Monster with high attack, protection effects and negation of opponent's monsters becoming the deck's win condition.
These are the possible combos to do with just the Structure Deck:
Combo 1: Ascended + Armed = Ascended + Zexal Construct + Random Card
SS Ascended Sage and SS Armed Sage
RANK-4 Utopia and cl1 Ascended cl2 Sage
Add ZW - Tornado and Add Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force
Activate Rank-Up Zexal XYZ Summon LEO Utopia and put 1 "ZW -" on TOP of Deck
LEO eff detach 1 and Equip ZW - Lightning Blade from Deck
Tornado eff Equip to LEO
Gamestate: LEO + (Equip Blade + Tornado) /in GY: Rank-Up Zexal
Next Turn: LEO eff detach 1 and Equip Pegasus from Deck
Combo 2: (Ascended + Dododo + Zubaba) + Astraltopia
***SS Ascended and NS Dodododo and eff SS Zubababa from Hand
RANK-4 Utopia and Ascended eff Add Rank-Up Zexal
Activate Rank-Up Zexal XYZ Summon LEO and put 1 "ZW -" on TOP of Deck
LEO eff detach (Dododo) and Equip Blade from Deck
Zubaba eff Reborn Dododo
Astraltopia eff SS from Hand and eff send Zubaba Add COUNTER Trap Numbers Protection
RANK-4 Utopia and Set COUNTER
Gamestate: LEO + Utopia + COUNTER + (Equip Blade) /in GY: Rank-Up Zexal
Next Turn: LEO eff detach 1 and Equip Tornado from Deck
***In Grind Game you can use Ascended Sage to add Rank-Up-Magic Zexal and make ZW - Halberd
Or with the Zexal Entrust spell, give Reborn from Utopia and if you have the Zexal RANK-Up in your hand, use it to make the ZW - Halberd
ZW - Halberd eff Add Zexal Construction and use Construction to Add ZW - Asura
ZW - Halberd eff Equip to LEO
Gamestate: LEO + (Equip Blade + Tornado + Asura + Halberd)
Halberd eff Special the Equipped Monsters to ATK for Game
Combo 3: (Dododo + Zubaba) + Astraltopia
NS Dodododo and Zubababa eff SS from Hand
RANK-4 Utopia and Astraltopia eff SS from Hand
Astraltopia eff Send 1 card from Hand Add Rank-Up-Magic Zexal (this card adds pretty much any of the deck's spells/traps to the hand so it's always good to understand when you add plays and when you opt for defense/interaction)
Activate Rank-Up Zexal XYZ Summon LEO and put 1 "ZW -" on TOP of Deck
LEO eff detach (Dododo) and Equip Blade/Tornado from Deck
Gamestate: LEO + Astraltopia + (Equip Tornado/Blade) /in GY: Rank-Up-Magic Zexal
(Remember that LEO also equips from the Extra Deck if you already equipped everything possible from the main deck)
Competitive version of the Utopia deck:
In this version we focused on comboing through the "Onomat" engine which consists of adding high rarity cards such as Onomatopickup, Onomatopaira and Utopic Onomatopoeia to the deck. This engine spams the level 4 monsters needed to access the Xyz RANK-4 Utopia from the Extra Deck and start making Utopia moves.
A benefit of this version is the decrease in "ZW -" monsters used in the deck by opting for more consistency cards. We also reduced the number of copies of cards that are not as necessary for the deck to work as ZS - Armed Sage. But the main difference between this Competitive version and the Budget version is in the use of Number 99: Utopia Dragonar that we make with Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce and it by itself already gives us access to Ultimate LEO Utopia Ray without having to use Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force. That way you can make a very oppressive end board with several interactions with the opponent via the engine, which is a quality of this deck. For this you usually end up with the Extra Deck very quickly, being this a deck that goes to All or Nothing where if the field is broken you won't have good follow ups to play on the back but if the opponent can't break that field you win very fast.
These are the possible combos in the competitive version of the deck:
Combo 4: Onomatopickup + Onomatopaira = Onomatopickup + Onomatopoeia/Dododo = Onomatopaira + Onomatopoeia/Dododo
(Remember that these cards have a huge synergy with each other so you get this same combo if instead of the Onomatopoeia it was a Dodododo for example which is a good discard too, just the Zubababa you don't want to discard to the GY)
Activate Onomatopickup and eff Add Utopic Onomatopoeia
Activate Onomatopoira discard Onomatopoeia Add Dodododo and Zubababa
NS Dododo and eff SS Zubaba
Zubaba eff Reborn Onomatopoeia
RANK-4 ZS - Utopic Sage and eff Detach 2 SS Ascended Sage from Deck
Dododo eff SS from GY(banish when leaves the field)
RANK-4 Utopia and Ascended eff Add Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce
C39: Utopia Ray and Activate Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce Summon 99: Utopia Dragonar
99: Utopia Dragonar eff Detach 2 Summon LEO Utopia and Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce eff ATTACH to LEO
LEO Utopia eff Equip ZW - Pegasus
Gamestate: 99: Utopia Dragonar + LEO Utopia + ZS - Utopic Sage + Onomatopoeia + Onomatopickup + (Equip Pegasus)
(if you have one more extender you do the F0: Utopic Draco Future)
Opponent's Turn:
99: Utopia Dragonar eff Detach 2 Summon 38: Harbinger and Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce eff ATTACH to Harbinger
Combo 4. 1: Onomatopaira + Onomatopoeia + Random Card (vs Hand Traps)
Activate Onomatopaira Discard Random Card Add Dodododo and Zubababa
NS Onomatopoeia and eff SS Dododo and SS Zubaba from Hand
RANK-4 ZS - Utopic Sage and eff Detach 2 = Hand Trap
Zubaba eff Reborn Onomatopoeia
Dododo eff SS from GY(banish when leaves the field)
***RANK-4 Primathmech Alembertian and eff Detach 3 Add Astraltopia
F0: Utopic Draco Future
SS Astraltopia and eff Send Random Card Add COUNTER Trap Numerons Protection
Gamestate: F0: Utopic Draco Future + Astraltopia + COUNTER
Combo 4. 2: (Onomatopickup + Onomatopoeia) + Astraltopia
(After taking Nibiru and losing 99: Utopia Dragonar with Ascended Sage + Armed Sage Combo)
Activate Onomatopickup and eff Add Onomatopaira
Activate Onomatopaira discard Onomatopoeia Add Dododo and Zubaba
NS Dododo and eff SS Zubaba
Zubababa eff Reborn Onomatopoeia
***RANK-4 Utopia Double and eff (detach Dododo) Add "Double or Nothing!" and SS LEO Utopia
LEO Utopia eff Equip ZW - Pegasus
Dodododo eff SS from GY and RANK-4 ZS - Utopia Sage and eff SS Ascended from Deck
Astraltopia eff SS from Hand and eff send ZS - Utopic Sage Add COUNTER Trap Numerons Protection
***RANK-4 Bagooska/Gagagaga Magician=Utopic Future Slash=Utopic Draco Future (there are several cool RANK-4 options for this gamestate)
Gamestate: LEO Utopia + Bagooska + COUNTER + (Equip Pegasus) /in GY: ZS - Utopic Sage
Combo 5: Onomatopoeia + Zubaba + Armed Sage
NS Onomatopoeia and Armed Sage eff SS from Hand
Onomatopoeia eff SS Zubaba
RANK-4 ZS - Utopic Sage and Armed Sage eff Add ZW - Lightning Blade
ZS - Utopic Sage eff SS Ascended Sage from Deck
Zubababa eff Reborn Onomatopoeia
RANK-4 Utopia and Ascended Sage eff Add Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce
C39: Utopia Ray and Activate Rank-Up Utopiforce Summon 99: Utopia Dragonar
99: Utopia Dragonar eff Detach 2 Summon LEO Utopia and Rank-Up Utopiforce eff ATTACH to LEO
LEO Utopia eff Equip ZW - Pegasus and Blade eff Equip to LEO
Gamestate: 99: Utopia Dragonar + LEO Utopia + ZS - Utopic Sage + Onomatopoeia + (Equip Pegasus and Blade)
(if you have one more extender you do the F0: Utopic Draco Future)
Opponent's Turn:
99: Utopia Dragonar eff Detach 2 Summon 38: Harbinger and Rank-Up Utopiforce eff ATTACH to Harbinger
Combo 5.1: Dododo + Zubaba + Armed Sage = OTK Version (need to play Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force)
NS Dododo and Armed Sage eff SS from Hand
Dodododo eff SS Zubaba
RANK-4 ZS - Utopic Sage and Armed Sage eff Add ZW - Lightning Blade
ZS - Utopic Sage eff Detach 2 SS Ascended Sage from Deck
Zubababa eff Reborn Dododo
RANK-4 Utopia Double and Ascended Sage eff Add Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force
Activate Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force XYZ Summon LEO Utopia and put 1 "ZW -" on TOP of Deck
LEO eff detach (Dododo) and Equip Pegasus from Deck
Utopia Double eff Add Double or Nothing! and XYZ Summon 39: Utopia (ATK Doubled = 5k atk)
Battle Phase use LEO Utopia eff negate and Halv the Atk of Opponent's Monster (Do not use in Main Phase to play around Effect Veiler)
Attack with 39: Utopia and eff negate Attack and Activate Double or Nothing!
Attack with Utopia (10k ATK) for game
Gamestate: LEO Utopia + 39: Utopia(10k ATK) + (Equip Pegasus) /in GY: ZS - Utopic Sage + Rank-Up Zexal Force
Combo 6: Ascended + Armed = Ascended + Zexal Construct + Random Card
SS Ascended Sage and SS Armed Sage
RANK-4 Utopia and cl1 Ascended cl2 Sage
Add ZW - Lightning Blade and Add Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce
C39: Utopia Ray and Activate Rank-Up Utopiforce Summon 99: Utopia Dragonar
99: Utopia Dragonar eff Detach 2 Summon LEO Utopia and Rank-Up Utopiforce eff ATTACH to LEO
LEO Utopia eff Equip Pegasus and Blade eff Equip to LEO
Gamestate: 99: Dragonar Utopia + LEO Utopia + (Equip Pegasus + Blade)
Opponent's Turn:
99: Utopia Dragonar eff Detach 2 Summon 38: Harbinger and Rank-Up Utopiforce eff ATTACH to Harbinger
Combo 7: Dododo + Zubaba = ANY 2 Level4 Monsters
NS Dodododo and eff SS Zubababa from Hand
***RANK-4 Utopia Double and eff Add "Double or Nothing!" and SS LEO Utopia (5k ATK)
LEO Utopia eff Equip Pegasus
Gamestate: LEO Utopia(6k Atk) + (Equip Pegasus) /in Hand: Double or Nothing!
Combo 8: (Onomatopickup + Onomatopoeia) + Dododo
Activate Onomatopickup and eff Add Onomatopaira
Activate Onomatopaira discard Onomatopoeia Add (Zubababa and Onomatopoeia)
NS Onomatopoeia and eff SS Dodododo and SS Zubababa from Hand
Zubababa eff Reborn Onomatopoeia
RANK-4 ZS - Utopic Sage and eff SS Ascended Sage from Deck
Dodododo eff in GY
Previously Gamestate: ZS - Utopic Sage + Ascended Sage + Dododo + Zubaba + Onomatopoeia
(basically you can make 3 Xyz Monsters with this starting hand)
***Note: This way you can make F0: Utopic Future even before the Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce move so when you activate it you can be sure you won't take Nibiru, the Primal Being before the time I didn't in this example but it would be correct.
RANK-4 Utopia and Ascended Sage eff Add Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce
******Note: You can also RANK-4 Utopia Double and use the effect now to remove the Brick called Double or Nothing! from the Deck and on top of it make Utopia Original and on top make C39: Utopia Ray or Utopia Prime to activate Rank-Up.
C39: Utopia Ray and Activate Rank-Up Utopiforce Summon 99: Utopia Dragonar
99: Utopia Dragonar eff Detach 2 Summon LEO Utopia and Rank-Up Utopiforce eff ATTACH to LEO
LEO Utopia eff Equip Pegasus
***RANK-4 Tornado Dragon/Gallant Granite Add Nibiru or Gigantes/Gagagaga Magician and eff Reborn Utopia
F0: Utopic Draco Future
Gamestate: 99: Utopia Dragonar + LEO Utopia + F0: Utopic Draco Future + (Equip Pegasus) /in GY: ZS - Utopic Sage
Opponent's Turn:
99: Utopia Dragonar eff Detach 2 Summon 38: Harbinger and Rank-Up Utopiforce eff ATTACH to Harbinger
In this last topic I talk about the details of the main deck and extra deck engine cards as well as card options that can be used to have a competitive version but still with budget options in Master Duel.
Technoplay Main Deck:
ZS - Armed Sage became an expendable card in the deck after the support of ZS - Utopic Sage that accesses ZS - Ascended Sage directly from the deck but we still used a copy in the deck.
Astraltopia is the best extender because it can simply add any spell/trap of the archetype including the COUNTER Trap Numbers Protection which is an insane card and in addition it costs any card from your hand or field to gy which means it benefits greatly from using cards like Onomatopickup and Xyz Change Tactics to activate their effect. (It doesn't specify that you have to have an Xyz Monster to Special Summon it onto the field, so if only your opponent controls an Xyz Monster you can still Summon it.)
If you searched it with the Primathmech Alembertian and it doesn't have Follow Up you can use it to add the Onomatopickup/Onomatopaira from the deck to the hand to have Follow Up.
If you don't know what deck you're up against, the best thing to do is leave Gigantes in your hand because if you take several Floodgates like Skill Drain, Gigantes is an potential out of those cards.
"ZW -" monsters can be equipped to Utopia monsters to give extra effects like not being destroyed by effects or being targeted by cards and some have interaction effect like Pegasus that negates monster effect not to mention the equipped monster gains attack equal to the attack of the equipment itself like Pegasus that has 1000atk. The 3 main ones are: ZW - Pegasus, ZW - Lightning Blade and ZW - Tornado Bringer. As I'm getting ready to play the Xyz event I prefer to just use Pegasus and Tornado because it's no use using the Blade that protects from destruction and you take AA-Zeus that doesn't care about these protections. Playing Ranked Master Duel I would consider using one of them and the chosen one would be ZW - Tornado because the deck already has a way to protect against destruction by effects that is ZS - Utopic Sage that no one remembers but it can banish itself so much from field and gy to protect all Utopia monsters from cards like Lightning Storm and Torrential Tribute.
Onomatopoeia Engine:
***Onomatopoeia can be Searchable by Onomatopickup/Onomatopaira and basically he is the Normal Summon of Gagaga's engine and brings the other monsters Special Summon from Hand at the same time you can Reborn him in the GY with Zubababa or just his fact being in the field allows you to activate the Dodododo eff in GY to return to the field. A card that interacts excellently with Dodododo and Zubababa. (Remember that Onomatopoeia brings monsters by Special from the hand in DEFENSE Position and you are LOCK on doing XYZ).
Dodododo basically you want to Special Summon it from the Hand or the GY to the field. To bring him from the hand we only have the option of the Onomatopoeia but he can be your Normal Summon also to Special Summon Zubababa from the hand if you don't open with the Onomatopoeia and he comes back from the GY by its own effect if you control the correct name which is quite simple to do (but Banish it when leaves the field).
Zubababa is excellent, it's a double extender because it Special Summons from the hand by its own effect and reborn another monster from the gy to the field. (Another card that locks you in only making XYZ Monsters from the Extra Deck)
The combination of these 3 cards is enough to have the level 4 spam needed to access Xyz moves from the Extra Deck with you being able to make two to three Xyz RANK-4 just with them and with other Extenders this number easily reaches 4 or 5 Xyz in a single turn.
Both Onomatopoeia and a Dodododo are excellent discards to resolve Onomatopaira, only Zubababa you don't want to discard to GY.
The advantage of Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force to Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce is that it can target any RANK-4 Xyz to bring LEO Utopia from Extra Deck not needing to be a Utopia monster so you can use ZS - Utopic Sage as a material from LEO Utopia for example which brings a lot of versatility.
Also don't forget that Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force puts a "ZW -" or "ZS -" monster on top of the deck and that it can banish itself from the GY to give 1 Draw if your opponent has 2k or more LP than you.
Using both Rank-Up-Magic also brings a good versatility in deck moves, going according to how to make Utopia Double + LEO Utopia OTK but of course the priority is to make 99: Utopia Dragonar and for that the Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce is the only mandatory Rank-Up-Magic in the deck.
Xyz Change Tactics does something that I value a lot in any deck and that bothers me in decks that don't have that ability: draw cards and is searchable by Astraltopia. It also Chain Blocks the effects you activate when Summoning Xyz Monsters like ZS - Ascended Sage.
Even knowing that the deck engine is very big and you will hardly draw defenses in the form of hand traps, just the fact of seeing new cards greatly increases the chance of you winning. Not to mention that paying 500LP is useful in this deck because several Utopia cards gain additional effects when your opponent has at least 2000LP more than you like the Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force of giving you one more Draw for free in the turn or the ZW - Pegasus that is summoned from the hand and then equipped with LEO Utopia (this is the only way to equip Pegasus on your monster if it comes in your starting hand because unlike ZW - Tornado for example it only equips by activating the effect on the field, it is a brick in the hand that can only be equipped if it Specials first when its LP is 2k less than the opponent).
Speaking of synergy with the Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force you stack the top of the deck with a "ZW -" like Blade/Tornado is an indirect way to add them to the hand with the purchase of Xyz Change Tactics.
Not to mention that the Xyz Change Tactics draws can make it better for you to hold the Onomatopoeia/Dodododo effect if you would summon Zubababa to the field which is unnecessary since he can enter by his own effect and after several draws you use to be able to bring a lot of free extenders for powerful plays.
Zexal Construct is for sure a cuttable card in the deck because you already have the ZS - Utopic Sage to play its role much better. So consider exchanging it for any other card since it is a minus 1 for you when resolving what you always want to avoid having in your deck.
A card that I'm not using in the deck but that is a great budget option is the Zexal Entrust which is basically a Monster Reborn that also has the gy effect of banishing itself and adding a "Zexal" Spell/Trap to the hand (Follow Up ).
As you use a lot of Continuous Spell and Equip Spell Forbidden Droplet it becomes excellent in the deck because the activation cost is very simple to pay.
Another synergy of Forbidden Droplet is with F0: Utopic Draco Future negating and taking control of an opponent's monster because you use it as a Droplet activation cost avoiding using your cards.
Gameciel I thought about using it to face Shark Xyz Deck that can lock your field with Number 4: Stealth Kragen + Gozen Match or someone who plays with a troll deck of making 59: Crooked Cook Turbo made with Astral Kuriboh or Right-Hand Shark.
Technoplay Extra Deck Cards:
Utopia Double despite having to use a brick which is the "Double or Nothing!" he Summons any "Number 39: Utopia" XYZ from the extra deck bringing it with DOUBLE ATK, that means that even if you take Nibiru when activating the effect of 99: Utopia Dragonar, you just have to put two level 4 Monsters on the field to be able to do Utopia Double and right after bring the Ultimate LEO Utopia Ray from the Extra Deck without having to use the Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force which would be the only option to bring it to the field without using 99: Utopia Dragonar.
So even if 99: Dragonar is negated or takes Nibiru you can still summon LEO Utopia and pass with two monster negates.
The funny thing about Utopia Double is that if the opponent uses Solemn Judgment and cut the LP to 4000, just use its effect and bring any Utopia with double attack that will usually come with 5k atk and hit straight to end the game without even having to use Double or Nothing!
A cool interaction of Utopia Double is with LEO Utopia because you negate the effect of an opponent's monster and halv the monster's atk so most likely it will have 2k atk or less which means Utopia Double's OTK will happen.
The XYZ RANK-5 Ultimate Utopia and Ultimate LEO Utopia are always treated as "Number C39: Utopia Ray" which means you cannot have the Original C39: Utopia Ray and these two Xyz in the same Utopia deck unless you choose to use 1 copy of Ultimate LEO and 1 copy of Ultimate Utopia and that way you already have 3 slots in use. In this case as it is not a budget version of Master Duel decklist you can simply use 1 Ultimate LEO Utopia and 1 C39: Utopia Ray Original.
***The Ultimate LEO Utopia says: This Effect's Activation and Effect Cannot be Negated so this makes it a more spectacular card than it already is.
S39: Utopia the Lightning is Utopia's boss monster capable of taking out any monster with 5k atk or less from the field in the battle phase and very useful to have to take any Boss Monster from the opponent especially if your Utopia monster received interaction and is doing nothing in the field.
Remember that both 99: Utopia Dragonar and 38: Harbinger have battle phase effects, and Harbinger's effect is not even Hard Once per Turn so if he has 2 Spells attached to him he can use it twice for example.
Gallant Granite being able to add Gigantes to the hand is great for having an out to backrow in the search engine against Floodgate Turbo decks like Eldlich, True Draco and Monarch which are very popular in Master Duel. No wonder I also use Exciton Knight and Tornado Dragon to make sure my matchup against these decks is satisfactory.
Bagooska is one of my favorite Rank-4 Xyz and it works in Master Duel as a contingency plan against Maxx "C" because by giving 2 draws to the opponent you can pass with an excellent floodgate that stops the turn of most decks and he stays on the field for up to 3 Standby Phase so you can draw the cards you need to play again. Not to mention that he's the best way to threaten AA-Zeus because he in attack position can't be targeted by cards or destroyed by card effects so it's almost guaranteed to make AA-Zeus.
***A card that I consider one of the best Xyz in the game is Primathmech Alembertian and this deck can use it to search for the best extender of the deck that is Astraltopia.
***Extra Deck monster restrictions you should be aware of: The monster Utopia Double brings on top of it has doubled ATK but cannot Direct Attack. Another card that is restricted to the player in the Battle Phase is 99: Utopia Dragonar that doesn't let you attack directly with other monsters (except itself) in the turn that used the effect and ZS - Utopic Sage only allows you to attack with "Number" monsters. Both 99: Utopia Dragonar and ZS - Utopic Sage lock you into making Xyz from an Extra Deck for the rest of the turn.
Disregard the Side Deck, these are just ideas of cards possible to use in the deck that I will discuss their use next:
Gagagaga Magician is an option to make F0: Utopic Draco Future by reviving an XYZ from the GY for this. Because it has Gagagaga in the name, it also synergizes with some of the monsters in the Onomat engine but is not very relevant to the point of using it in the deck.
97: Draglubrion and 92: Heart-Earth are Free to Play options in the RANK-8 and RANK-9 Xyz Master Duel that you can bring with 99: Utopia Dragonar but of course the best option is 38: Harbinger.
Xyz Universe is an Anti-Xyz trap searchable by Astraltopia that basically gets rid of two Xyz monsters from the opponent and brings in case you send two RANK-4 to the GY you bring 38: Harbinger to the field with this trap and he will have the negate of Spell Cards because you don't need to detach material to use it. Xyz Encore and Xyz Import are also searchable cards in the deck but I consider Xyz Universe to be the best option to use in the Xyz Event (if you want to use it of course).
S39: Utopia Prime as well as C39: Utopia Ray are only used in the deck for you to put on top of 39: Utopia or 39: Utopia Double and activate Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce to make 99: Utopia Dragonar and that way it comes with 4 materials and can use the effect twice. You can also use them like Zoodiac does to make an AA-Zeus with various materials. You only use one of the two in the deck so in Master Duel if you have one of them you just need to know that it already works for the deck to work and you don't need to craft the other.
By using F0: Utopic Future Slash you can make F0: Utopic Draco Future much easier than just having two Xyz other than Number. Because you just do Utopic Future Slash on top of "Utopia" XYZ and Draco Future on top of Future Slash. But I prefer to keep using F0: Utopic Future Original which has better battle phase effect, protection from destruction by effects and can be used in any xyz deck other than Slash which is only useful in that deck.
ZW - Dragonic Halberd is another equipment option to use in the deck but it is only used in more budget versions of the deck in Master Duel and not in this one that is more geared towards the competitive.
Downerd can be used in the deck because all Utopic Future monsters are always considered RANK-1 so you can do it on top and then AA-Zeus but the deck already has Xyz monsters that come on top of Utopia like C39: Utopia Ray or S39: Utopia Prime that are only used for this purpose.
Exciton Knight is a card that almost no one expects to take and is surprised by a card that clears the entire field. If the opponent negates its effect he will have to destroy it too because if not you go to the battle phase and threaten AA-Zeus in Main Phase 2.
Abyss Dweller is the most used XYZ RANK-4 in the history of the game, it was certainly ahead of its time for having a Quick Effect of being a GY Floodgate and this is very good against several Master Duel decks like Eldlich and Drytron and these decks should be quite popular in the Xyz Event so if you want to use the Abyss Dweller as a Generic RANK-4 Xyz option, here's the tip. This card is so good that I have no doubt if one day it will be banned (about 10 years from now).
Anti-Magic Arrows is a way to make AA-Zeus pass because if the opponent doesn't interact in the Xyz Summon in the Main Phase and you go to the Battle Phase when you activate this card, you prevent it from activating Spells/Traps for the rest of the turn ensuring AA-Zeus on M2.
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