Utopia deck utilizing the mathmech engine to end on a live super factorial and phantom knights rank up magic launch. Mathmech Alembertian is superb r4nk monster and should be made as soon as possible. Alembertian when made with diameter gives the deck access to an early omninegate well before the 5th summon granting protection from Nibiru.
Treat the math mech engine in this deck like the adventure engine while also complementing the decks main playstyle of r4nk spamming.
this deck is a two card combo deck and an ideal hand is seeing minimum access to two lv 4 monsters. An ideal hand is any hand that opens with mathmech circular and mathmeth diameter. These two monsters are able to faciliate the entire combo line for the deck.
Optimal Pot of Prosperity banish
Going 1st (decent hand) banish 3: aa-zeus, light dragon, exciton knight
Going 1st (dead hand) banish 6: aa-zeus, light dragon, exciton knight, From here it is highly dependent on your hand and what game line you want to make. If you feel you want to access the math mech line banish additionally 39 Utopia, c39 Utopia ray, 38 hope harbinger. if you want to stick with the utopia line banish ZS sage, f0 utopic future, f0 utopic draco future.
Going 2nd: 39 utopia, c39 utopia ray, zs sage, 38 hope harbinger, f0 utopic future, f0 utopic future draco
Side Decking Going Second
cards that are usually/(almost always) sided out:
2x zexal construction
3x small world
3x pot of prosperity
2x dynatherium
1x madolche petingcessoeur
1x phantom knights of shade brigandine
1x mathmech equation
1x zw asura strike
Side decking tip: when siding out cards prioritize keeping pot of prosperity or lv 4 extenders over the other cards listed
Side Decking (out) going 1st
3x droll & lockbird
1x pankratops
Siding decking (in) going 1st
3x triple tactics thrust
1x dimensional barrier
Combo lines and other tips Work in Progress
To make kali yuga you need to have number 99 dragner summon number 89 and then use the quick play spell on 89 to make kali yuga. The quick play spell is searched primarily via zexal construction which is searchable off astraltopia. Astraltopia is searchable off 3 material alembertian.
It is not easy to play this deck it’s similar to kash but with far higher tradeoffs. Basically, this is kali yuga turbo no question about it
Circular and diameter, those 2 cards give you an omni negate and kali yuga live
The thing is this deck is a two-card combo deck while meta decks are all one card combo decks
So sometimes it gets frustrating to see how decks like kash get full combo off one card and have 4 hand traps in hand while you have to do dump your entire hand to pull off the combo
In my video I tell my opponent the deck is bad but in reality, it is a decent deck and a very oppressive one. There’s no way I would have been undefeated against 4 tier 1 decks with components pilots if that wasn't the case
I could go on for hours about this deck as I’ve been playing and tinkering with it for about 3 years now
You all want the combos though so I’ll give you that
Basic combo is any 3 lv 4 monsters the deck only has one main normal summon mathmech diameter
If you go first, you special out your monsters and normal summon diameter xyz into alembertian
Alembertian searches circular and also has an omni negate via diameter
So currently you should have 2 monsters on board alembertian and a spare lv 4
From here you have two roads to pivot
Road one special circular dump math mech sigma
Alembertian tribute spare lv 4 for diameter in grave proc circular to search super factorial and xyz circular and diameter into utopia double
Road two special circular dump sigma xyz circular and spare lv4 into zs sage. Sage special from deck zs ascend sage. Alembertian tribute ascend sage to special any mathmech from grave xyz ascend sage and mathmech lv4 into utopia double
Road 3 is not part of the main combo but my favorite back up if you get hand trapped 2 or 3 times and hard stop its simply use alembertian circular and spare lv4 to make f0 future draco. Our deck has our own little verte dpe esque play just like halqdon decks
And our f0 has double protection as we usually make it with alembertian and zs sage. Zs sage protects utopia and utopics from destruction once and f0 cant be destroyed period
So even if f0 gets negated with dark ruler or imperm you can protect him
Utopia math mech is very fun deck to play but also quite big brained as your also a r4nk tool box deck
now resolving kali yuga will single handily win 90% of your games just by himself and the 10% you don’t you woulda lost any ways
but the normal combo is kali yuga and math mech super factorial both live
a good hand ie math mech circular + mathmech diameter + any lv 4 gets you live kali yuga live super factorial live f0 utopic future draco and 4 material number 99 dragner
this decks 3 card combo is equivalent to the kashtira 3 card combo on steroids as you get to completely lock your opponent out of the game 3 times over and get protection from 1 hand trap thanks to alembertian being made with diameter
but my absolute favorite part of this deck is that you never actually do kali yuga turbo in the utopia kali yuga turbo deck
setting up kali yuga is the last thing you do. the whole point of the mathmech line and the f0 line is specifically to eat hand traps
the deck wins off kali yuga so all you do is play into every hand trap possible outside of nibiru and droll and then when you’re sure your opponent has used all their hand traps do your kali yuga set up line
To make kali yuga you need to have number 99 dragner summon number 89 and then use the quick play spell on 89 to make kali yuga. The quick play spell is searched primarily via zexal construction which is searchable off astraltopia. Astraltopia is searchable off 3 material alembertian.
It is not easy to play this deck it’s similar to kash but with far higher tradeoffs. Basically, this is kali yuga turbo no question about it
Circular and diameter, those 2 cards give you an omni negate and kali yuga live
The thing is this deck is a two-card combo deck while meta decks are all one card combo decks
So sometimes it gets frustrating to see how decks like kash get full combo off one card and have 4 hand traps in hand while you have to do dump your entire hand to pull off the combo
In my video I tell my opponent the deck is bad but in reality, it is a decent deck and a very oppressive one. There’s no way I would have been undefeated against 4 tier 1 decks with components pilots if that wasn't the case
I could go on for hours about this deck as I’ve been playing and tinkering with it for about 3 years now
You all want the combos though so I’ll give you that
Basic combo is any 3 lv 4 monsters the deck only has one main normal summon mathmech diameter
If you go first, you special out your monsters and normal summon diameter xyz into alembertian
Alembertian searches circular and also has an omni negate via diameter
So currently you should have 2 monsters on board alembertian and a spare lv 4
From here you have two roads to pivot
Road one special circular dump math mech sigma
Alembertian tribute spare lv 4 for diameter in grave proc circular to search super factorial and xyz circular and diameter into utopia double
Road two special circular dump sigma xyz circular and spare lv4 into zs sage. Sage special from deck zs ascend sage. Alembertian tribute ascend sage to special any mathmech from grave xyz ascend sage and mathmech lv4 into utopia double
Road 3 is not part of the main combo but my favorite back up if you get hand trapped 2 or 3 times and hard stop its simply use alembertian circular and spare lv4 to make f0 future draco. Our deck has our own little verte dpe esque play just like halqdon decks
And our f0 has double protection as we usually make it with alembertian and zs sage. Zs sage protects utopia and utopics from destruction once and f0 cant be destroyed period
So even if f0 gets negated with dark ruler or imperm you can protect him
Utopia math mech is very fun deck to play but also quite big brained as your also a r4nk tool box deck
now resolving kali yuga will single handily win 90% of your games just by himself and the 10% you don’t you woulda lost any ways
but the normal combo is kali yuga and math mech super factorial both live
a good hand ie math mech circular + mathmech diameter + any lv 4 gets you live kali yuga live super factorial live f0 utopic future draco and 4 material number 99 dragner
this decks 3 card combo is equivalent to the kashtira 3 card combo on steroids as you get to completely lock your opponent out of the game 3 times over and get protection from 1 hand trap thanks to alembertian being made with diameter
but my absolute favorite part of this deck is that you never actually do kali yuga turbo in the utopia kali yuga turbo deck
setting up kali yuga is the last thing you do. the whole point of the mathmech line and the f0 line is specifically to eat hand traps
the deck wins off kali yuga so all you do is play into every hand trap possible outside of nibiru and droll and then when you’re sure your opponent has used all their hand traps do your kali yuga set up line
Additional Video Link
Time Stamps for Utopia combos: 2:15 and 22:15